
Monday, January 31, 2011

Mike Bullard Interview today @ 9:45am

And Then The Sun Came Out...

Yesterday was a full day. Full of emotion, gratitude and disbelief. When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining for the first time in over a week. A welcome taste of the spring that you could smell in air today. It was a great affirmation of the levity and promise that arrived yesterday morning on the cover of my other favorite sun, the 'Vancouver Sun' newspaper. As the 'Silver Fox' was pouring me a cup of coffee,( he is a doll that way- always starts the day by making me coffee- am i spoiled or what?!) and he was also checking voice mail on his cell. He put the phone on speaker so we could both listen. It was one of dearest, dearest friends, Thomas Haas. (a celebrity in his own right- for being a Chocolate/Pastry Guru) Thomas was so elated for me and said that it was a nice way to begin his day by finding me on the cover of his morning paper. I appreciated the call. It is touching to hear the people you love find joy in your own excitement and success. I had interpreted Thomas, 'cover' comment to mean on the cover of the section of paper he was reading at the time. I never thought that in the middle of the turmoil in Cairo (where my father in law was born) and considering that this weekend hosted the NHL- All Star Regatta, that somehow I my story would trump these. It wasn't until I was on my way to a meeting with some of my business mentors did I stop by the local grocery store and pick up the paper. I was trying to be all casual as I picked up a paper or five, and made my way to the check out. I didn't bother looking at the cover, because it was inside that I was intrigued by. It wasn't until the gal that was ringing me through said "Hey,this isn't you is it?" I looked at her and pardoned myself, I didn't understand her question. "Here, on the front page. That is you!" I am not going to pretend to be anything but the dork I felt like in that moment. Oh my... gasp, I landed the f r e a k i n g cover! I then went completely red and began to blush. I was felt awkward and shy and immediately turned the paper over. Can you imagine? Anyone who knows me knows there is not a spotlight that has ever blinded me or that I could convince to follow me. I am not shy. I am not bashful and I do not blush. With a full day between me and that moment, I can say that it was a moment bigger than myself and I was in need of processing the moment and was unable to acknowledge it. I got back in my car, called 'The Fox' and told him about the cover. He was as surprised as I was. I had a 15 minute drive to my meeting place. It took me that long to understand and process that this had actually happened for me. You have to understand that this little article on the cover meant something more meaningful than the exposure and success of my business. I will come back to that in bit... The second call I made was to my girlfriend, Sue Messent. She is mentioned in the article and is the reason I am having even in the position right now.If it weren't for her like mindedness, that women should help and support other women, I would not be Oscar bound. I called her to thank her again and to pay my respect to her huge heart. As I walked into the dining room at HCC where we were meeting, I was greeted with open arms and huge enthusiasm from my sweet publicist who was more elated than even I was. As our team of 7 all arrived and we hugged it out one at a time, we had fun with the fodder of reading the article and enjoying the moment of our excitement. You know you are in good company when the people around you consider your success to be there own success. We sat and brunched and brainstormed ideas for one another. I have used this metaphor before, but the seven of us sitting around that table were like these amazing threads that together wove the most incredible tapestry. Everyone brings something different to the table and if even one of us were not present, the outcome would be less rich and far from complete. It is incredible to be part of a circle of women who are brilliant, powerful and at the top of the corporate ladders in their perspective fields. Giving the 'old boys club' a run for their money. LOVE IT! I would like to see one of those 'old boys' strap on a pair of 3 inch heels, a pinstripe pencil skirt suit and rock out a presentation the way these women do. These ladies have brains, elegance AND balls of steel. I LOVE it! After the meeting I headed home and was greeted by the founding members of my fan club. We all had fun going through the paper and the kids loved to see Mommy in there. I had my phone off for the morning, and didn't even think to check my email or Facebook up until that point. (again, totally unlike me) I was so overwhelmed by the emails, the texts, the FB messages and comments. The twitter tweets were amazing and the Linkin messages were huge. I had more friend requests, website inquiries, blog hits and new jewelry orders than I could deal with in one sitting. My website hit over 1300 new visitors yesterday over double new visitors in a day than it had ever seen before. Wow. Just amazing. Totally humbling. I still have not returned the phone calls or emails. I am still too overwhelmed to articulate my gratitude to everyone who has come out of the wood work to support me and to cheer me on. I am still feeling so humbled by all of this. I know there are other local women designers who are enjoying the same sort of Oscar excitement right now, and I am proud of them and excited to be sharing this parallel journey with them;however, I am still in awe that despite the similar journeys we are on, it was my publicist Gillian Behnke that orchestrated my story to the cover of the Vancouver Sun. Thank you Gillian. My heart is projecting light & love right into yours. The interview itself translated into what I deem to be a great article. One of my bff's 'the writer' is a principal at She gave me critical advice prior to my interview and I followed it to the letter. She told me to pick three points you want to make and to stick to them, and convey them at all costs. So, I went into that interview with three key points that were important to me that I wanted the public to know. 1. I wanted to thank Sue Messent. If it weren't for her love and kindness I would not be living this moment in this way. I needed to convey that women helping women is a beautiful thing, and she embodies this beauty. 2. I wanted to make people aware that while this is a great business opportunity to be involved with the Oscars, you 'pay to play'. I had so many people asking how much I would be making off of this. It occurred to me that most people think that this is an honour that comes with a nice payday. I wanted to debunk the myth and to reveal the little man behind the curtain ala Wizard of Oz. No, no... you are the one who pays and if it is a worthy endevour then you make the educated business decision to invest accordingly. 3. I wanted to reveal why my jewelry is different than many other similar jewelry designers around. My jewelry stands apart because for one thing. I buy my materials in Canada. My jewelry is designed, created by hand in Canada, rather than being done so off shore. The key difference though is that I bless all of the stones I work with. I steep them in love and intention for the wearer to benefit from. I was so grateful and relieved that the article began with thanking Sue in the first sentence, and closed with the fact that I meditate with the stones I work with. To me, that is huge beautiful value. So in closing. Thank you all for the love & light. While I was busy living my best life, I forgot to dream this dream. I forgot to dream this part of the journey. I am just so glad that I woke up and took the reigns before this one got away from me. love & light, t.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Lied... I Do Judge You...

Last week I met with my accountant to review a few protocols now that I am selling my jewelry internationally. I should say not only is ' My $ Man' just that, over the past decade he has become a great friend but also a trusted confident. I went in to see him and we began talking about some of the colourful neighbours he has. 'My $ Man' has his office in a slightly industrial area where there is a recycling depot not far from his office. It somehow came up that there were a lot of 'recyclers' ie: ' homeless' fellas around when I drove up. He launched into what a blessing they were to have around. I thought he was being sarcastic and that is when he explained the reality of the situation. This area of town we were in is their 'hood'. They feel as much pride and ownership in their backyard as we do our own personal addresses. 'My $ Man' said that they park their business vehicles in the public access parking lot for weeks on end. Never a problem with anyone ever messing with them. In fact, their business park has an unusually low crime rate. No break ins. No vandalism. No one is ever harassed. In his ten years of working there no one, not one of those colourful locals has ever, ever, ever asked him for money. Not only was I stunned, I was shamed. I assumed that those folks would have been a thorn in the neighbourhood's side. In fact, I was exactly wrong. I had exactly judged them, and judged them wrong. In fact, they are appreciated in that neighbourhood for being the security force. They protect the area and in turn the local businessmen/women, repay the thanks by bringing their domestic recycling to work and paying it forward to these guys. It was such a lesson for me. How often do I go through my day claiming not to judge others, rather, it seems I may have masked my judgment in a cloak of assumption. I am not proud of this but I am grateful for 'My $ Man' and his candid and accurate portrayal of an unorthodox society that may not look like mine; however, functions the same way mine does, with consideration, respect and community. I wonder what kind of assumptions people make about you and I? How are we judged for things that don't have any business being applied to us? It reminds me again, to look EVERYONE in the eye and smile when I walk past them. Every spirit deserves to be acknowledged and appreciated regardless of their present situation. If we are honest, how many of those local homeless people that we come across actually receive heartfelt smiles from people that are experiencing better fortune than themselves? Join me, lets spread the love by giving them the respect of eye contact and a simple smile. Can you imagine what that ripple effect might translate into? love & light to all, t.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

God Bless My Publicist...

I said it from the beginning that this media infused territory was uncharted waters to me. Exactly the reason I sought out the 'PR Guru'. From the get go Gillian told me to that there is an unspoken dance between 'us' & 'them'. There is an etiquette that needs to be followed in order for many, not all of the media types but definitely many that we have to follow or else the energy will go stagnant due to lack of ego stroking. This is where a PR Goddess comes in handy. I am so not savvy enough to know when to stroke ones ego and when to muffle a laugh that would deem inappropriate. Anyone who really knows me, knows I speak my truth and I own it. What I have to say is not always well received but more often than not, it needs to be said and I am usually right on the money. I recently had a reporter ask me what my greatest strength is and what my weakness is... I instantly replied that my greatest is strength is that I speak my truth at all times. I am a straight shooter. I told her that my greatest weakness was that I speak my truth at all times. I am a straight shooter. It's true. A lot of people would rather be fed B.S. It is just easier to handle sometimes. These are also the people that have a tendency to ask you how you are only to cut you off so that they can talk about themselves, never waiting to even hear your reply. Anyway, only a week and a half into this and Gill has already proven herself to be a beacon that keeps me on track and is a constant source of light and support. I just wish everyone had their own Gillian. She rocks. Last week was the first photo shoot interview. It went quite well as I mentioned. The editor called Gillian back and said she wasn't pleased with the photographers pictures of the jewelry and wanted to send another photographer out for a re-shoot. When Gill gave the o.k., the reporter called me to set it up. She was going to be sending the new photographer solo and was hoping to do the shoot outside. The suggestion came that why don't we use Grouse Mountain. It's local, they have a great setting and so on. But wait, remember who we are dealing with here... it's me. It is my mission to bring my own beloveds along with me on this journey so of course I insisted we use the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It is the most magical, west coast beautiful, family owned and operated sanctuary that I know of and it just so happens that the family is actually personal friends of mine. I know I have mentioned this in a past blog, but the bridge is so exquisite I just cannot speak highly enough about it. I called the Cap Bridge got permission to bring cameras in and they were more than happy to host us. I met the cameraman there. He had half a dozen different cameras strapped to him and we were off. It is funny how different these two cameramen we had dealt with were. The first one was click click click, and he got his shot. This other one was 'an artist'. He framed the shot several times, moved the jewelry on a rock by the water because the pearls reminded him of water droplets... at one point I remember saying to myself ' dude... the picture is of the jewelry, not a wilderness spread'! LOL He was serious about his craft and I totally appreciate that. I was unable to see many of the hundreds... yes hundreds of different shots he took, but a couple of them really were beautiful. Unfortunately he asked me to be in a few of them which... ugh... I was not in hair & make up and I just felt 'ughs' that day. Awe well, that's how it goes. You need to put all vanity behind you and just be confident in the fact that it is the jewelry that is meant to be beautiful... and as humbly as I can say it... it was. The second photo shoot would not have happened if it hadn't been for my new friend ' Cookie'. I met her earlier this year at pick up and drop off. Somehow over the year she and I began to chat more and more. I don't know about anyone else, but in my world if I love yah, I love yah and it does not matter how long I have know you. This is the case with Cookie. The first time I heard her laugh, I loved her. She has that laugh that comes from deep within and it is authentic. 'Cookie' is one of those girls who is not caught up in superficial chit chat or trying to be one of the cool moms at pick up... you know the ones, all dressed up talking about where they get their nails done, what chic restaurant they dined at the night before, where they will be vacationing at over the next school break. Gag me. Anyway- Cookie is not one of them and that just made me love her more. The real seal on the deal was that my kids love her. Okay I am rambling, point is I love Cookie she is one of my new besties and she saved my ass the other day. I had 'The B. Man' at home with me the day I was called for the re shoot and no sooner did I think who can I ask to watch him for an hour or so, did the phone ring. It was 'Cookie' being her sweet self. I didn't even really acknowledge the sweet reason she was calling, rather, I cut her off and asked her if she could help out with my little guy. Of course she stepped up and was happy to do so. The only person more grateful than me was my 'The B. Man' he loves going to her house and hanging with her little ones. So thank 'Cookie' you are a keeper. Muah! Some of you have emailed when will this last interview air... it will be published in Saturday Jan 29th's Vancouver Sun. You can see it all there. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

20 Years Later... What Have You Been Up To?

There is an old saying, "Don't burn your bridges. You never know who you will meet again in the future." Don't I know it! In the past 6 weeks I have reunited with a few peeps I knew 20 yrs ago and hadn't seen since. The first one I will call 'Tres'. She and I have crossed paths a couple of times over the past decade; however, it wasn't until this past November that we really reconnected. I saw her at a mutual friend's house sale and we began chatting. After our quick catch up I invited her to join me at a annual house party I co-host with a few of my bff's here on the North Shore. I was happy to extend the invitation to a fellow woman/artist, entrepreneur. I love supporting everyone I know, but especially working women who are following their passion. Since then she has done the same for me and supported me in ways I could have never imagined. She returned the favor tenfold when she suggested Buddha & The Raven be included in the Oscar gift bags. It was 'Tres' who opened the door for me and I am forever grateful. It will be 'Tres' and I who will take our goods to the Oscars together next year. She is presently working on a new website as she has just launched the most beautiful line of jewelry that I have seen in awhile. It is different than my own and different than anything else out there. She sources antique charms, keys, chains and such and rededicates them into new pieces of jewelry. Yes, there is some similar jewelry out there but NONE are actually recycled antiques. I am just so inspired by her and it is such an honour to pick up our friendship in a lovely and meaningful way. The second blast from the past came in one of those moments when you want to crawl under a rock. I saw 'J' one day in October when I was picking up 'Miss.B' I literally walked past him and did a double take. I said hello right away, asked about his family and asked where he was living, and then realized by the look on his face, that he had no freaking idea who the hell I was. Granted I still have 40 extra baby pounds on me ( can you still call them baby pounds 4 yrs later? :) ) But still, not only did we hang out regularly for a while, he also dated my roommate... that is another story for another time. Anyway- since then we have realized that our children go to school together and he now lives part time in a town I used to live in and we know the same people there. Crazy. Anyway- I have since reminded him who I was (' j' is for jerk btw- in a loving way of course) and it is always nice to see him at pick-up. He really is great guy. The Third just happened this week. I was on Facebook and had commented on my girlfriend's status. If you know FB you know that anytime you comment on someone's photo or status, it informs you when anyone does the same after you. This was the case, and when I saw the name I inquired on the post if it was the same ( I will call him '930') '930' from back when we both lived in Yaletown- before Yaletown was hip, rather, back when it was edgy and funky. Sure enough it was the same person. We soon 'friended' and got all caught up. It was so nice to hear that the past couple of decades have been mostly kind to him and that he still has his vibrant spirit that makes people love him. '930' was the roommate of a person I dated briefly... turns out the guy was a single scoop of vanilla and I was more like a banana split with extra whip... a little too wild for the poor guy. I feel for him. I am a lot to handle on a good day now, and just as much so back then. Anyway, in that time I had some great times with '930' he was a riot. It only makes perfect bizarre sense to discover that we now share a ton of friends in common. It is a wonder how our paths haven't crossed sooner. He lives in my neighbourhood practically! At any rate, here we are and I look forward to introducing '930' and his family to the 'Silver Fox' and our family. It is a small world. I believe there is a cosmic shift happening right now because I know more people who are seriously happy, and are in the middle of great changes that have them excited and empowered. If you have been following my blog for any length of time you know that there is nothing I love more than seeing my beloveds living an inspired life. I know I have experienced a cosmic shift- you all know how incredible the past few weeks have been. It really feels like the stars have aligned. For some reason this trinity from 20 yrs ago has resurfaced and I am interested to wait and see how and why now? Stay tuned... Love & Light, t.

What Have You Been Up To In The Past 20 Years?

There is an old saying, " Don't burn your bridges. You never know what and who your future holds." How true, how true. It is very interesting to me, how in the past 6 weeks I have had 3 people that were in my 'circle', 20 years ago, show up again. Bizarre? Yes. Welcomed? Yes. Cosmic? Probably. The first one we'll call her "Tres " and I have crossed paths a couple of times in the past ten years, but this past November we saw each other at a house sale a mutual friend of hours was hosting. It was there that I invited her to join me and a few of my other friends at a house sale that we organize. 'Tres Love' and

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I returned from the island with my heart filled and my mind rested. I have found a new seaside sanctuary that will surely be in heavy rotation of my favorite retreats. I came home after 2 days of loving my 'Ya-Ya's' but missing my babes and the 'Silver Fox'. You know you have a sweet life when are excited to go home. Monday was a day of preparation for Tuesday's initial onslaught of media and such. The day started at 5am. Shower, coffee, coffee, and coffee. Make up artist extraordinaire, Ariell P. arrived at 6:20am and by 6:21am I was in the chair getting an overhaul as this goddess worked her magic. By 9:20am I was at our showroom being interviewed and filmed by a team from the Vancouver Sun Media crew. I have no problem public speaking or having my photograph taken, but apparently a t.v. camera is an entirely different story. No sooner did I get the green light, I got dry mouth. I have never experienced that sensation. I couldn't get a word out. Good grief... what an amateur. I had to excuse my self to get a drink. If I had known how many different takes it was going to take them, I would have gone to bed earlier! We needed better light, better angles, better backdrop, better sequence, better, better and better. You know that feeling when you have smiled so much that your teeth and gums get dry... yah, that was me after the first twenty minutes. Let's just say I am not excited to see those photos... ah well, vanity is not an endearing quality anyway. The interview itself was fine. The reporter was lovely and seemed genuinely interested in my story. I had received great advice from a few of my peeps who are used to being interviewed or rather, interviewing people. My one friend 'The Writer' who has interviewed all sorts of people in her career, including Donald Trump, told me to pick three points and deliver them within your answers. Easily said, challenging to accomplish. My other friend ' The Rock Star' gave me tips to make for a better on camera experience. Ignore the camera, be myself, don't be over animated... All of these things were on my mind as I dove into my first on camera interview in a long time . The interview lasted just over an hour from start to finish. I was grateful for the experience but also grateful when it was over. This girl was rusty! No sooner was the interviewer gone, did my new employee 'V', show up. Yes, I have hired my first employee at Buddha & The Raven. I spent the next hour training 'V' on how to assemble a particular piece of jewelry for me. The 'control freak' in me had a difficult time making the decision to hire someone. To actually hand over the reigns to my creations was an exercise in trust and a way to venture into the land of vulnerability without being exactly vulnerable. It's hard to explain but it really feels like I am trusting someone else with something very dear to me which is extremely fragile. There a dozen metaphors I could relate it to, but whatever... I pulled up my big girl panties and just did it. LOL Now, let me be clear, the major assembly, the boring laborious part is what I have asked her to do,(I know, what a jerk I am) I have not instructed her on how to finish the finer details, I will do that. I will finish every piece that I am ever donating, mailing, giving and selling. If my name is on it, I need to do that for myself. I also will always design every piece personally, and I will just have to accept the support from her and whatever future staff that support me. A very wise business person recently said to me, " You need to work ON your business, while others work IN your business." It takes me back to the point I made a few blogs ago. I need to do what I am good at and allow others to do the same. So I gave 'V' a non-compete contract to sign, her materials and a time line and set her up and off on her way. No sooner did she leave did one of my favorite photographers arrive. I hired Carrie Marshall, - to come and and work her own magic and to photograph my head shots for me. I have needed them done for sometime now, but in light of the fact that my main press release is being sent out on Tuesday I was prompted to get 'er done. I briefly saw a few of the images Carrie captured yesterday. I was blown away how unlike me they appeared, but also how totally me and casual and candid they truly were. I know for certain that which ever photo I use will be usable thanks to Ariell & Carrie. After our photo shoot I took Carrie over to Thomas Haas' for a java and one of their amazing sandwiches. (and chocolate of course) I bid Carrie farewell from there and headed into the back where the chocolate is created. I found Thomas and his better half Lisa back there creating and coordinating Valentine's Day creations. All I can say is that my dear, dear friends have master minded an amazing array of offerings and I encourage you all to head over there to get some treats for your beloveds for February 14th. I will have a selection of my custom stationary there for your convenience. Grab you chocolate and a card in the perfect one stop shop . I returned back to 'The Mama' just in time to pick up my precious babes from school, which really is the highlight of my day. No matter what I do, or who am, being a Mama to these two beauties and a wife to the 'Silver Fox' is by far my favorite roles to date. Now I need to run off to another photo shoot at Capilano Suspension Bridge. My dear friend 'C' and her husband and his family own the bridge. They are so incredibly generous with all of their neighbours all year long that I was only elated to be able to use their location so that they may get a little press too. Like I said, the more I can share this spotlight, the more joy I find in the journey. I will tell you how it goes later. Love & Light, t.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

There Is Nothing More Excited Than A Baby!

Okay, so I have left the family and am inbound to some of my girls. Although I am so excited to see some of my bff's, i am feeling immense guilt at this moment. I have been so busy with the obvious distractions I have had this week I feel like I have neglected my house wifely duties and now am abandoning my family. I am not of course, it just sure feels like it as the ship leaves the harbour at this moment. I am wishing I had accomplished more around the house this week. My excitement came at the cost of my housekeeping, laundry and get ready for it... putting away some of my xmas decorations. Now normally it would not take someone more than a day to dismantle their xmas decor;however, I am not normal. Ask anyone who knows me... I am am anything but normal. :) My love for decorating my log house in Christmas gear is also anything but normal and I am okay with it. I have some serious decorations and I love every single globe, bobble and swag. I do not however love that it is still in a pile in the great room waiting for next December to roll around. Dear sweet husband of mine, thank you for your patience with your preoccupied wife. Dear sweet children of mine, thank you for being so patient and well behaved for your mama. Dear sweet friend Marnie of mine, thank you for not unfriending me for not returning your sweet phone calls this week. You deserve an honourable mention for being my constant and true sounding board who forgives my peaks and valleys of communication. I honestly haven't talked to anyone other than those who are helping me navigate through these open waters. Speaking of open waters. I love riding the B.C. Ferries... I know, I know, I am the only one. I do though. I love hiding up on the outer deck upstairs, and perching myself in a corner protected form the wind. The wind is beautiful as it whips around but it is the view of the coastline that nourishes me and truly is quenching to my spirit. It doesn't matter how many times I have traveled this route, it takes my breath away every time. I went to pick up 'Miss.B.' from school today and a few of the moms I have befriended that are in the know of what has been go on this on this week were all there and they are all so supportive and really are like my little own cheer leading squad. They asked me what I was up to this weekend and I told them that I was going to visit a dear friend who is expecting her first child. I couldn't stop talking about how excited I am to see her and the baby and becoming an 'aunty' again. Where a couple of them wanted more E.T. details, I just wanted to gloat about our new baby on the way. One of the moms commented that I seem more excited about this baby that isn't even mine, than the E.T. news that is mine. It is absolutely true. I am excited about this E.T. interview and all of the other fun stuff that is coming down the line but a baby is real and forever, media creates illusions that are fleeting. Yes, it's all fun but I am very aware that is fun and not meaningful in real life. Real life is tangible and about relationships and babies. I am keeping my feet firmly on the ground in this whirlwind of fun and excitement. (I have to just say- the Chief Stewart just came over the loud speakers to announce that the hockey game has just finished the second period and the Canucks are leading 3-1! You know when you are in Canada when...) I am appreciative of all of these opportunities, and I am well aware of the kind of success these sorts of connections can lead to and for these reasons these interviews and media coverage are very real and very meaningful; that said, a baby trumps every other celebratory event as far as I am concerned, especially when it is this baby. This one is extra special. Now, and to acknowledge the way this baby ties into Buddha & The Raven... it has been this baby that has inspired me to create a bonified children's line. I created a few small bracelets for this past holiday season, it was really just a few and I made them to see if the product would actually fly. I am going to create a Spring 2011 line and I am absolutely going to create a baby/toddler/children's series of little bracelets. Whoever this little spirit who is on their way here, they are going to be the namesake of my future children's line. I am sure I will have to pay the mama royalties for life. ;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kindness Is Contagious.

The human spirit is a beautiful thing. Where I was expecting to go into great detail of the amazing opportunities that have come my way in the past 24 hours, after sitting down and meditating today (I practice T.M.) it dawned on me that the real story worth sharing tonight is the experience I have had witnessing first hand, the capacity of beauty our human spirit is capable of bestowing upon one another, friend to friend, stranger to stranger and watching strangers transform into friends. It is not that I wasn't aware that what goes around comes around, and what you reap you sow; however, watching how completely contagious a gesture of kindness is and how widespread and immediate it's ripple effect is has left me speechless.
For as exciting as it has been to have this week's incredible Academy Awards opportunity and the many other doors open up for me as a result, I think it is important, at least for myself to stop and absorb the fact that I now know for certain that showing love and kindness to a single person that crosses your path in any given day will affect hundreds of people. In a society where we are constantly bombarded with negativity in news reports about what some unsavoury people are doing to one another and to innocent bystanders,it is comforting to know that each of us can offer an action that can work towards balancing that negative energy.
Now,I know some of you have been pestering me today to share some details on the latest happenings for Buddha & The Raven.For those of you who are interested in hearing about it, I will quickly say that Tuesday morning I am meeting a report & her team of photographer, videographer and lighting peeps at our showroom for my first on camera interview. I am really excited about it, and really a bit nervous. The fun part of this is that because of the on camera work that is on the horizon, I have been in touch with the amazing Vancouver make-up artist Ariell Paterson, whose work is absolutely phenomenal. I have seen her work on models, brides, and everyday people like me. I have had the pleasure of working with her personally and am always thoroughly impressed with her talent and professionalism. My past experiences working with Ariell has given me great confidence in her and I feel like I am doing all of you a favour by even telling you about her.It kind of feels like telling someone the name of your favorite babysitter...all of you moms out there know how taboo that never tell someone about a great babysitter otherwise they get too popular and are never available for you when you need them! In this case I feel good about referring Ariell to anyone that has an occasion when they just want to look their best and need a little help.Just don't say I've never done anything for you! ;)
And now am thrilled to say I am taking the next few days to step away from all of this excitement... this girl needs to take a deep breath and process what the next several weeks are going to entail. I am off to hunker down with 'Big City', 'The Princess' and 'The Bean' and a couple of other bff's for some good ole' girl time. I have to laugh though... it doesn't seem like that long ago that when we would get together we would dine out, maybe go dancing, at worst host a party and get our 'wine' on that would inevitably turn into all of us girls singing Lady Gaga into our thumbs and dancing in our p.j's.( okay pretend you don't do that with your friends...don't judge!) LOL ... but these past few years our ideal of good quality girl time looks more and more like an episode of the Golden Girls! We keep the circle tight, we all cook together and although there might be some wine involved, without fail the evening ends before 11pm and usually with a cup of tea while we are all sit around in our flannel jammies, no make up on with half assed ponytails on our head. I am laughing out loud right now because you know you are amongst your 'besties' when the thought of a cuppa tea and flannel equates one of my favorite things to do. Getting your 'evening ugly' on and feeling comfortable in the presence of someone other than your husband is just one of the best feelings ever.
The only thing better than some girl time is having a loving, supportive husband who creates the opportunity for me to sneak away and to make this happen. The 'Silver Fox' is such a star that way and he loves having one on one time with 'Miss. B.' and 'The B. Man'. As I begin to feel pangs of guilt in leaving them for a day or two I have to remind myself that it is also giving them a gift by allowing them to find their own rhythm together without the mama bear in me always being in the mix... we all need balance. Balance is good. Balance is good.
B a l a n c e i s g o o d .
love & light,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Heart Is Bursting with Gratitude.

Over the past few years I have considered myself to have seen small successes in my business. I have never really stopped to add them up before, but recently, after a conversation with a friend regarding this new adventure I have found myself on, we began discussing the different stepping stones that have brought me to this place.
Some of the donations I have made to different organization are the connections I most proud of. Supporting the likes of Lions Gate Hospital Foundation, Canuck Place, B.C. Cancer Agency, The Terry Fox Foundation, Collingwood School Foundation, Camp Kerry- Family Bereavement Camp and a few other programs that benefit children in the arts, these are the kind of associations I have found the most rewarding.
My girlfriend 'The Guru' who knows of my other successes made a good point, that indeed those are very worthy connections to mention, but so are the other less known about ones. Let me say this; I am very proud of everyone who dons one of my creations. I put so much heart and soul into each piece that I love to know that people are receiving the blessings that I put into my art. I truly do say a little blessing on the stones and pearls I string together. I have a had cynic once ask me, " So, you are telling me you bless, e v e r y stone you use?". My answer is yes. Sometimes I take them all in my hands before I begin stringing them together- and I just hold them with a quiet mind and wish the wearer peace, to feel beautiful and find happiness each time the put this jewelry on. There are times that I actually string a necklace like a rosary and put a sweet thought into each one. I just believe everyone has a platform to do something to spread joy into the world. My girl Oprah has a massive platform. She can open up girls schools in Africa, I can bestow blessings into pearls and hope that the wearer benefits in that way. We all can do something and this is one of the ways I do my part.
Back to the small successes that 'The Guru' feels I should share. Well, the fact is that I have been blessed to have worked closely with a wide range of celebrities over the years. I will mention a few of the ones that I know have donned my original designs. When Goldie Hawn was living here in Vancouver, I had the pleasure to get to know her on a personal level. By far, by a long, long stretch she is my favorite celebrity. Why, you ask? Because she has no pretense about who she is and the industry she belongs too. There is no fluff around her. She is a spiritual guru in her own right and she is a poster girl for spreading light and love into the world. Yes, I found great pleasure in seeing her in something that came from my heart. Sarah Michelle Geller not only has worn my jewelry but she has also purchased it for her friends. Singer/ song writers Jane Siberry and Jody Quine both have one of my creations. It is worth mentioning that my designs have been worn in the t.v. series ' Sanctuary' & 'Men in Trees' and on the the big screen with 'The Twilight Saga'. So there is a taste of some of my other successes you may not have known about.
Everyday there is a new twist of excitment. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you.
love & light,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do What You Are Good At, And Let Others Do The Same.

As I sit down to my computer there is a beautiful snowfall outside my window. There isn't anything quite as calming as the quiet that envelopes the world when there is a crisp, fluffy, white blanket of fresh snow on the ground. In light of the excitement that the past few days has held for me, this meditation in motion, this beautiful snowfall, is exactly what my spirit needed. I usually don't have trouble staying in my body, grounded and present... but today especially, I have felt like I couldn't quite get my feet to touch the ground.
There has been some exciting revelations that have come as a result of my new association with the Academy Awards... the media wants to talk to me. I knew for certain that this latest adventure in my world was a big deal to me; however, it did not occur to me that this was newsworthy to anyone other than my friends and family. Low and behold, I have been in touch with a few different publications already and where I am normally a very confident person, comfortable with most any situation, I actually felt a little out of my league in these dealings. And then yesterday I remembered a sage piece of advice The Silver Fox once gave to me, he said,
"Do what you are good at, and let others do the same." That one liner makes so much sense to me. Of course! Apparently I am good at designing jewelry, so why don't I let someone who is good at dealing with the media do just that. Enter stage left... Gillian Behnke. Publicist to the stars. I had the good fortune of working with Gillian several years ago when I was managing VIP/Celebrity relations with a local company prior to having my daughter. I dealt directly with the likes of Goldie Hawn, Sharon Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Lopez, Busy Phillips, Jaime King, Keenen Ivory Wayons, Robin Williams, Will Ferrel, Sarah Michelle Geller, Freddy Prinze Jr., Chris Klein, Linda Cardellini, Alanis Morrisette, Michelle Williams, Kurt Douglas, Kate Hudson, Diana Krall to name just a few. I know how amazing Gillian is at her job and I know careful she is with the smallest details, so handing over my best interests to her was not only easy, but quite honestly a relief. I do need to pay debt of gratitude to Lianne Kerr of and Tanis Tsisserev of Both Lianne & Tanis offered this sister sage advice at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed. Both of these amazing women got me focussed with feet on ground, heart in hand, facing forward and directly into the path of my PR Guru Gillian. So my deepest thanks to this trio of brilliant beauties. How fortunate am I to be surrounded by open hearted women who are of the rarest kind... the kind that celebrate other women's successes rather than feeling intimidated or resentful which is kind of what our species has been known for over the years. Well, I am honoured to be surrounded by these beautiful, intelligent, career driven, and dedicated moms who like me, are all about spreading love and light into the world, one press release at a time. On that note, I have an early start tomorrow. I will keep you posted as the adventure continues to reveal itself. In the meantime if you would like to set up an interview, please contact my publicist. LOL I just had to say it... clearly I am kidding, but what a riot.
love & light,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Luck Is A Matter Of Preparation Meeting Opportunity.

Happy 2011! Just as I was sitting back marveling at what a fantastic year 2011 was going to be, the phone rang. Well,not really. Actually I got an email, but it was a TSN Turning Point kind of email. Let me preface this by saying when you do something you love and you do it because it is what your heart tells you to do,although not everyone will understand why you do it and that is just fine as long as you believe in what it is you are doing. When you have spent ten years creating something you love and working hard to get it into the retailer market, the home show circuit, donating it to copious amounts of different charities & fundraisers, regularly giving it away to friends and sometimes even to strangers, in the hope that eventually the right person will see what you have created, and maybe, just maybe, one day it will lead to the right person seeing what you have created and it will inspire them to send you a TSN Turning Point kind of email. The email I received this past Thursday was indeed that TSN kind of email. So much so in fact, that I kept looking around waiting for Don Cherry to show up at my front door. The email was from a Stylist in Los Angeles that is responsible for sourcing the contents of the VIP gift bags that are being given to the Nominees, Presenters and Celebrity Stylists at the Oscars this year. Indeed, the right person at the right time found their way to my website, liked what they saw and contacted me with confirmation that they would like to invite me down to participate in this years Academy Awards Style Lounge. The Style Lounge is where the celebrities gather to do a little free shopping. Although I am absolutely stunned, flattered and honoured to be invited, and just to know that this year I am beyond excited to have my jewelry included in the VIP gift bags,is going to be enough for me this year. I have decided to graciously decline the invitation to be present, rather I will spend my time from this point forward preparing to attend next years awards circuit. You see, once you are 'in' the circle you are invited to sponsor other awards shows such as Grammys, Emmys, Golden Globes, ESPNs, American Music Awards, CMAs, the list goes on and on... So now is the time I get myself prepared before I launch my brand on such a grand scale. So 2011 is the year I learn more about the marketing aspect of my business. I have spent the past ten years laying the ground work by working my brand, sending as much love and light into the universe while protecting my karma and now the universe has listened and provided me with this opportunity. As you know I am inspired by Oprah and many of her words deeply resonate with me. One of her quotes that I hear over and over in my head is this: "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." - Oprah. I believe that when we follow our passion and step into the world with our deepest authenticity, we are preparing to receive the next opportunity that will innately further our journey along it's way to take us to the exact place that we belong in any given moment. Today I am giving thanks to all of those people who believed in me and encouraged me to follow my passion and to dive into my creativity. To those people who purchased my work when I was still figuring out my mediums, thank you for your support. Eleven years ago when I was seeking jewelry for my bridesmaids to wear at my wedding. When I was unable find anything that I liked or that suited me and my girls... it was two of my 'Moons' as I referred to my bridal party at the time. I had four women in my bridal party. Each of them 'represented a season of my life' as I had known it up to that point... each season has a new moon... you get the picture I am sure... Sorry I digress... So anyway, two of them, My Wise Old Indian(who will be referred to as 'Big City in all future blog postings) & The Princess, suggested I make my own jewelry. That suggestion triggered an action in me that has led me to today. I need to thank them both for believing in my creative ability even before I did. As a gesture of thanks, I promise that whenever I hit a red carpet, you will be on either side of me... but no one else is allowed to have their hair up. ;) a little inside joke for My Moons. Please sign up to follow my blog. I will be posting updates as this journey reveals more little twists and turns everyday. I am giving an interview tomorrow with one of our Canadian publications! I will tell you how it goes in my next post. Love & Light, t.