
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thank You 2010

If I didn't know better I would swear it is still September. Where did the time go? A testament to my age and that where in my youth a day would feel like three days sometimes, now a day feels like the length of a morning meeting. I wish there were time and space to account for all of the amazing blessings that found their way to my heart this year. I am more humbled as the years go by and more grateful for less and less. Not to say the blessings are not bountiful, indeed they very much are, more so than ever. It is just that it takes much less to stop me in my tracks. I see everyday miracles that I used to rush past before. Slowing down and living in the moment has opened my world to so much beauty that I was not available to appreciate before.
Recently I wrote our Christmas letter...( that's right, I said it, I said it!- ) Chrisssstmassss.
that will be sent out with our Christmas cards and I found myself tearing up as I recounted what a fabulous, family focused year we have spent together in our home. Beyond the great trips, the children's milestones, the business success, the new puppy, the Olympic fever, the new sports, the great friends, what really struck me and made me stop in my tracks were the 'teachable moments'.
Now, I am known for my love of everything. I had a friend comment on my Facebook status yesterday saying that I am sure 'loving' lots lately. It could easily be assumed that my world is near perfect, no heaviness or loss. No stress or disappointment to mention. Well, those who really know me know that is far from accurate. What is true is that the biggest gift and blessing I have received this past year is how to make the most of the 'teachable moments'. Those are what I like to call the moments that come to us and stop us in our tracks without barely a moment to decide that crucial decision that we face every moment of every day, which is how can I use this experience to better myself and my family/ loved ones? In what is before me, regardless how dark it may seem, where is the love? Where is the light in this for me to focus on? I have learned that if I am able to keep my eye on the ball or light in this case, I am going to grasp this situation and learn what I am meant to learn.
I suppose this is an easy philosophy to adopt considering my belief system, which is that everything happens as it should, when it should and to whom it should. I am usually met with great debate when I mention this in public but I know it in my heart of hearts and I have faith that whatever is put before me, I can handle. It's all in the handling.
It is all in the handling, but more accurately it is all about our own individual 'tool boxes'. I have discovered that missing tool this year, and that is how to define the teachable moment, and what to do with it when it arrives. We have such vastly different tools and coping mechanisms that it is difficult to understand why certain people react to certain situations the way that they do. What I have learned is that rather than judging one another in these moments, why not be open to share our own tools and be willing to adopt some new ones along the way.
Let be clear though, I do practice these methods for sure, but I should also disclose one of my most sacred tools, I like to call it my ' bff- circle of trust.' This is the one I usually pull out at the end of the day and it is one of the most used in my toolbox. If it weren't for these girls who listen to the venting which comes with every teachable moment, I am sure I would lose my mind. This is where I drop my F-bombs (plural) and get all of my 'tough guy' dialogue out so that I may return to the level headed, TM practicing world peace keeper. Everyone needs a vault that they can secure their emotional baggage into and feel that it is safe and honoured and taken with a grain of salt. I call these ones, The Wise Old Indian, The Writer & The Princess. My wish for the world is that every one has a few of these characters supporting them also. They are priceless and I would not trade them in ever.
My greatest learnings from 'teachable moments' this year:
  • I have learned this year that it really is okay to be different (we teach our kids this, you would think I would know it myself, but knowing it and living it are very different).
  • To be 'that mom' who will not over schedule her child. Good for you if you want to expose your kids to 5 different after school activities this term, have at er'... I have chosen to do only 2.
  • I have accepted that I do not have to be that social hostess that has company over every weekend. I prefer to do all my hosting in August and December, it's just how I roll.
  • When all the women around me are discussing where they get their manicures done, I am comfortable with my callused hands that have glitter under their nails and are chipped from making jewelry.
  • I have come to love that I am one of the only people I know that drives a car that is at least 5 yrs old and does not have room for carpooling. I love my Outback... I mean I LOVE my Outback!
  • It's okay to boast about how great your husband is. Amazing husbands are rare... I am gonna brag... just sayin'
  • When friends get divorced- it sucks for everyone, and at the end of the day despite the greatest efforts, sides will reveal themselves organically and you just have to stay true to who you are through the process.
  • When someone is yelling and smacking a child in a grocery store for touching a box on a shelf, it is okay to walk up to the mother calmly and tell her that if she wants to hit someone, why doesn't she hit you, someone her own size instead.
  • I get a thrill when people ask me where I got my shirt and I can proudly brag that I got it from the good will and I quickly brag that I also got a pair of Jimmy Choo Boots and Christian Louboutins there also. Shnap! Recycle, Reuse, Renew!
  • When it comes time to greet people or say goodbye, I have to hug you, it's just the way that I am, always have been and always will be and I secretly think I am changing the world one hug at a time.
  • I have learned that reconnecting with old friends feels better than making new ones.
  • Making new friends feels better than keeping old ones that are energy vampires.
  • I have made peace with the fact that there are days when I just want my kids home with me, and it is okay to skip a day of school here and there... it is time well spent loving and laughing.
  • This year I realized that no, I cannot will someone to be a better person, that I can only stay in a place of love and compassion and choose to invest my time and energy in those who mirror my sentiment.
  • And the greatest personal gift I received this year was that I had done, said, did, all of the above without an ounce, not a single iota of guilt. I have accepted all of the things that others made me feel were somehow shameful, and I have learned that only I can judge me. The rest of the world's impressions do not exsist when we live in the moment, rather those are our own projections that we identify with. I guess if I had to sum the year up in one word it would be Freedom.
So yah, thanks 2010- it's been a good year.
Love is as love does. Let's love 2010 out and 2011 in.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Squint Your Eyes And Look Closer...

Years ago I heard Ani Difranco sing 32 Flavours. The song resonated with me then and decades later it still speaks to me. So often we know someone for years and years and we have this virtual photograph of them in our mind. We think we know them, what they like, how they think and ultimately who they are as a person. In the past couple of years I have been having to ask people to take a new snapshot of who they think I am. We are all evolving and becoming who we are meant to be. For some people and myself included, trauma of some sort at an early age can paralyze our evolution and can change us from who we were meant to be to a slightly dimmer version of that.
With the right guidance and or therapy we can find our way back to the path that will return us to the journey we were born to live.

With every year that goes by we are all continually learning about ourselves and who we authentically are. It has been my experience that the older we get the easier it is to shift into and remain in the state of presence, where we function as our authentic selves. Largely due to the fact that the older we get the easier it is to find the confidence to fore go the  comfort of peer acceptance.

Recently, I found myself in the company of someone that I had labeled as 'superficial'. Now just to be clear, although I felt that way, I still valued the individual for being interesting, funny and charming. I appreciated the fact that this person was sweet, just not the person I would confide my deepest emotions in. I believe it takes all sorts of personalities to nurture the 32 Flavours in me. Everyone in our lives- feeds different parts of our spirit.

So here I am face to face with this person, and to say the least I was not in the mood to discuss the latest fashion find or place to be seen. I entered the conversation with my back up and my tolerance low. I think the phrase "Get me the f@#K outta here" crossed my mind. To my delight the conversation that I was dreading actually was a figment of my imagination. Shame on me for projecting my expectations on this person. In fact it had been several months since we had met up and it was clear to me that a massive shift in her had occurred. I had to step back and reenter the conversation. I had the biggest Aha! moment. I had to take a new snapshot of this old acquaintance. Just as I have had to ask people do for me. I needed to offer the same respect and allowance for this person's journey.

Looking at her again with fresh eyes it was clear to me that she too had changed at a cellular level. It brought me back to Ani's 32 Flavors which I have added below this post. "I am beyond your peripheral vision, so you might want to turn your head." I have been spending more time turning my head and seeing the bigger picture of this person and truly she is a beautiful spirit. I have to wonder how much of her I have been missing out on because I have had this old snapshot in my head which had been blocking my heart from reaching out to her.

With Christmas around the corner and the hustle and bustle that innately comes with the season, I am grateful for the reminder that each person who crosses our path deserves fresh eyes and an open heart. Having just celebrated Thanksgiving, I am more grateful than ever for having these life lessons sneak up on me when I have fallen asleep and fall back into the comfort of auto-pilot.

I will use my daily meditation to visualize open hearts connecting with white light- seems appropriate considering today is 'We Day'.

Love & Light,


Ani DiFranco - 32 Flavors (HQ)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Autumn Brings Her Blessings

Windows are open. The fall air is crisp and the sun illuminates the room. Is there anything better than basking in a morning like this? Complete with a big warm sweater and a cup of coffee. Sitting back down to the keyboard I am slightly overwhelmed by thought of everything I have experienced since my last entry. We returned from a magical week in Kauai only to head off again to Alaska as a family... and I mean the whole family. The Silver Fox's parents took both of their boys and their families as well as each of the grandparents sisters on a cruise. A very beautiful and thoughtful gesture, never mind generous... but more than anything... it was a great big life lesson! (I'll come back to that later)

We returned from Alaska just days before the start of the school year which saw us sending our baby girl to grade 1. (insert sigh and heavy heart) I have said it several times since the beginning of September that it is such an injustice that just as our children become these capable, amazing friends to us, that someone else gets the pleasure of enjoying their company all day long. I clearly remember holding Miss. B when she was 3 months old while she was wailing and I was tired and at my wits end- thinking to myself "it's okay Tiff- 5 yrs and you will have a bit of your old life and freedom back!" The joke is on me. And it is a cruel joke... I don't want my old life back and the only freedom I pine for now is that to be able to spend everyday with my 6 yr old beauty. Again, all of 'those women' who told me to savour every single moment with my children because they grow up so fast, were not exaggerating. 
The silver lining to losing out on spending the days with my girl is that I finally have some one on one time with my boy. Precious time that I am savouring like I have never savoured anything else. I know better this time around. Every question and every discovery are moments that we dive into and daydream our way through. I love every second of it. (except for those moments that I feel like I want to rip my hair out and ask him to be quiet... yah- besides those moments, I love every second of it!) lol
After the start of school- I found myself at one of my favorite places to be, 
at Camp Kerry.
This year like the others I was humbled, honoured and inspired by the love and courage that is the foundation of CK. The families, the volunteers and of course my roommates for the weekend, Hol, Carrie, Coryn and the mice created a haven for healing. It was truly special. Each night after a big day of giving- the four of us (my roomies and I) would return to our bunkhouse and debrief. I could tell you that we didn't mock the over zealous lifeguards or that we didn't pass around wine gums and pringles... but that would be untruthful. What I can say is that these women are the most compassionate and giving people I have met and Camp Kerry is lucky to know there dedication and hard work. When I return from CK and I am back at home with my family, I always seem to hold them a bit closer and appreciate them even more.

When I referred to the lessons learned on the cruise, well, where to begin. Oh, I know, having the entire family on a boat for week. There is a good start! I kid, it really was a fantastic trip and fun was had by all. The issues arose when certain people realized or didn't realize that they had placed expectations on other people's agendas. I think some of our crew thought that having us all on a boat would imply that we would be spending a great deal of time together. Indeed we did spend more time together than we would have otherwise but location does not dictate nap times and meal times. When a three year old is 'done' they are d.o.n.e.- period. I believe that one forgets how fully surrendered you must be in terms of going with the flow when children are in the equation. Not only did my sis-in-law and I get all dressed up for more than one formal dinner, only to have to remain in our cabins sans joining the family for the meal- in order to put the needs of children first. Yah- a drag for sure, but truly not a big deal in the grand scheme of life right. Well, that's only right if you are able to go with the flow.... a tall order for some that created a downward ripple of disappointment which was unfortunate. The moral of the story is when you put expectations on other people and have those expectations being met account for your own happiness, you are bound to find yourself in self inflicted disappointment and unease. It was a loud reminder to me that I am in control of my own happiness and in each moment of everyday we can choose to be happy. Every morning is a fresh start, a clean slate and a blessing. That is what September is to me. A clean slate. A fresh start. When most of the world considers January 1st a new year, I consider September 1st as my new year. 

I am so excited about the next month. I am going to be knee deep in glitter and gemstones. I am crazy busy making jewelry for Holiday Home Shows and for Retail. I love this time of year. I am already excited about decorating for Christmas. The day after Remembrance Day I get to start decking the halls!! If you lived in a log house you would feel the same way. This home begs to be swagged and bobbled. It warms my heart just thinking of it. Is it just me or can anyone else hear Bing Cosby?

The next month is going to be full of goodness. I am going to try to keep my expectations on myself and find compassion for those who are still learning to make that effort.

I am off now to go find a pile of leaves to play in with my boy!

Happy Autumn. I know she will be good to us all.

Love & Light,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ReClaiming, ReDefining & Refreshing

Every now and then we need to stop and look around. So often we get get on the wheel of life and forget that we don't need to just keep up with the pace, rather we need to set the pace. Recently, the Silver Fox and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary. Considering we never went on a real honeymoon- (again another sacrifice of owning your own business) so we decided long ago that for our ten year, we were going to do something very special when the time came.

So indeed, we booked ourselves in for a week in Kauai at the Koa Kea. It is a magical boutique hotel 10 feet off Poipu Beach. I wish I could describe the level of beauty or their level of customer service and care, but there is no describing it- it must be seen and experienced. What I can tell you is that from the moment your car pulls onto the property there is a team of people dedicated to making you feel special, welcomed and at home. 

The Fox and I chose Kauai because it was a place that neither of us had been and we wanted to return to the days of 'first times', discovering enjoying and experiencing things together all for the first time.

I could ramble on and on about the surf, the helicopter ride along the Na'pali Coast or the hours spent touring the island with the top down on the car, just enjoying the opportunity to just talk and laugh like the old days, but really the point is that just having that sacred time alone with my husband while not having to share him with our businesses, our friends, our children or even his iPhone was the greatest gift ever. It reconnected us in a way that I didn't know we even needed. Although it was difficult to leave our children at home with trusted family, it really was necessary in order to reach that level of intimacy that is not possible when the conversation is interrupted every several minutes by a well meaning three or five year old.

Being away on the greenest island in the world, in the middle of no where is a spiritual experience. There is an energy about those islands that is palpable. The people we met, the places we went and the things we saw were all amazing. I have never been so inspired artistically. Whether it was a colour scheme or new mediums - there were endless times where I caught myself sketching in my mind so that I wouldn't forget the designs I saw on a leaf or in the surf kissed sand.

I met the most amazing couple from Fair Oaks, California. They are locals of the island as they spend part of the year at their home in Poipu, and the remainder in California. The first time we saw them, it was a very freak meeting. We were all sitting on a gorgeous patio at a restaurant and I was trying to identify something in the tree. They saw how perplexed I was and offered some sage advice about the fact that no... it wasn't a pineapple- so don't be fooled and don't eat it. :) Very sweet people. Shortly there after we said our goodbyes and figured we would never see them again. A few days later at this amazing organic market down the road where The Silver Fox and I were having breakfast, just as I got up to refill my coffee I walked past this gorgeous blond woman and realized that I recognized her! She was the same girl from the patio. We began chatting with her and her husband about the island and some of their recommendations. The advice was golden and because of them we saw some amazing things that we would have otherwise not checked out. NOTE *** It needs to be said that this amazing couple owns a gorgeous store back home called ' Bungalow' - vintage living for home & garden. You must check out their website. They do all of their own buying, and their taste is simply exquisite! The best part is that they ship to Canada!!

Our time on the island was so incredible. The people we met, our time alone and the reconnection of our authentic selves and who we are to each other. Realizing who we were then and who we are now is really not all that different. We have more in common by way of our children ( who we missed terribly) and in some ways less. We were able to acknowledge that the things that make us drastically different from one another are also the things that balance out our partnership and that continues to allow each of us our sense of self. We have enough common principles that it makes coming to the table with new experiences to share very exciting and very safe. There is never a question if we are growing apart or moving in different directions, because we are each other's biggest fan and we are always on the side lines cheering one another along.

Where I am happy for him becoming a pilot and enjoying the Paragliding culture, he is happy for me as I spread pearls and crystals from one end of the house to the other while I get high on creating new jewelry. We appreciate each other's passions and we acknowledge that we both need to do these things in our own space in order to nourish ourselves spiritually. 

This trip to Hawaii really was about reclaiming who we are, redefining how we work as a team and about refreshing all of those first emotions of falling in love.

I love it all, the bliss, the work, the fun and especially the dirtiness.

Love & Light



Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Like Rain on Your Wedding Day.

Forgive the space between entries. I was too busy living life to slow down and document it. I have a brief moment of reprieve between the next scheduled obligation. Seems like today has been full of deep sighs and deep gratitude. There have been so many beautiful moments with family and friends in the past 6 weeks that I just have been humbled time and time again. There have been 2 family weddings, a BFF's wedding, I co-hosted a surprise 50th Wedding Anniversary, adopted a 3rd dog, spent 4 days with my YaYa's at our Mecca aka 'the river house', saw The Princess buy a house and move away from me, took the kids on their first, rustic camping trip on the West Coast of Van Isle, watched my husband learn to Paraglide, watched my husband learn how to Kite Board, spent 6 hours in emergency with a 3 yr old suffering a fever of 104', have been saddened to watch two of my dear friends lose a father and a family matriarch, and tomorrow will be a very sombre day as I attend the funeral service of a friend who succumbed to cancer. So much good to rejoice, enough sorrow to reaffirm how precious life is. Which brings me to the greatest pride and joy of all of the events so far this summer, and that is that The Silver Fox & I celebrated our 10 year Wedding Anniversary a few days ago. 16 yrs together, and 10 yrs married have made for the greatest joy of my life.
We had always spoke of one day having a very cool & funky native Talking Stick, so this year I went down to the Squamish Pow-Wow in early July and gathered a few essentials that I needed and then just followed the inspiration of our own personal Haida art collection and went for it. Not bad for a first try. I used beads, and stones and even some woven organza that was used in our wedding ceremony and incorporated these things onto the stick. A personal touch that makes the staff a true reminder of our 10 yrs together, then and now. I also used a gorgeous Raven feather as an offering of this Raven's endless love for her favorite Fox/ Wolf really... So where I have not been actually making gems, I did create a sacred family heirloom that is among the most special pieces of art that we own.

So certainly this summer has been full, and it is far from over. The next several weeks are full as well. I have had little time to create jewels; however, my spirit has been nourished by many new friendships, many old friends and the smile of a bride despite the rain on her wedding day. My lessons have been subtle but frequent. My bliss has been ample and my craving for deeper connections within an even tighter group of people has been steeped. I just cannot ignore that the past several weeks have sailed by while I have barely had a moment to sit. It has reminded me that what is most important is what is in front of me, who is behind me and those whose hearts I guard. These are the bright lights that guide me and whose light I want to bask in.

That is all for now. Ramble as I have, it is a sign of how much has been on the go as of late, and when September rolls around with her promise of routine and predictability, I am confident that I will return to a regular date with the blog.

Until then, sending you Love & Light,


Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Solstice - Sowing What You Want To Harvest

Just when I thought June was here with the promise of extra time to slow down and enjoy life,  I quickly realized that I had my months mixed up. Yikes. June is one big school obligation after another.  But alas, we all survived and July is here and I again have time to return to the things that bring me joy, like having a slow morning with coffee in hand and my kids snuggled in next to me, all the while we lounge in our 'comfy cozies' as we like to call our pajamas. Hello, 10 a.m. !

Back to June, whoa Nelly! It is hard not to feel overwhelmed by just the thought of all we accomplished in those short weeks. First of all Happy Solstice. This year I am especially grateful for this fresh start, this new year and the new beginnings that the Solstice brings. Although I am usually quick to remember that every day, in every moment we have the choice to 'start fresh', be renewed and that happiness is a choice. I always welcome and celebrate the Solstice as it is the global celebration for the like minded, earth loving people that recognize that we have the next 6 months to sow positive seeds that will return to us by way of a bounty of love and friendship we will harvest come the next Solstice. So let me remind you of this sage quote that keeps me grounded:

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - unknown


I am eager to remind my family that our thoughts truly are the seeds we are sowing which we will surely harvest sooner than later. Trust me, I catch myself daily with smart-ass one liners that I think are freaking hilarious and if I don't speak them chances are one of my beloveds will, because I have surrounded myself with like minded people that enjoy witty, cutting humour that is by my standards, hysterical.

Recently though, I have tried to enjoy the humour but countering it in thought with a silent recognition of what the truth is actually:  ( and here I would insert the thought that I seriously believe) It will make for a better harvest come the fall. Fingers crossed anyway. :)

June also marked a major milestone in our family. We are sending our Sweetpea to Grade 1 in September. So long Kindergarten, it's been swell. Where did this time go. If this is the rate in which the next 12 years of her school career is going to go, then stop the train,  I want off! I used to laugh at 'those women' who would stop me on the street when Sweetpea and I would be walking the seawall with her stroller. They would warn me that I should savour these times and enjoy every minute as they will fly by and before I knew it, that wee babe will be heading off to Grade 1.  I would like to apologize to all of those women who I politely nodded to and then blew off as I thought to myself as I walked away,

" Okay Mrs. CoCo LoCo's - whatever you say. Maybe it's time to get a hobby!" Yes I apologize to you, because you were right.   You   were    so    right.

Beyond our family milestones there has been a major development in the direction of Buddha & The Raven Studios. I have decided to get serious about joining my peers in getting some exposure by way of the Urban Artisan Shows in our community. I have recently submitted my work to be juried by a few different shows. So far, so good! I will be showing at a some shows this fall. I am very excited to get out there. The other big news is that I have recently made the decision to get back into the retail world. Stay tuned I will be announcing my first retailer here on the North Shore soon! :)

I was also privileged enough to be invited down to the set of the television show 'Sanctuary' where not only did I get the opportunity to watch all the magic go down, but also to offer a private showing to the kind folks there. It was a great experience and I certainly welcome more of them. If you have a group of friends or coworkers that would like to have a viewing - I show up during the lunch break and am happy to show my wares. 

Although it is July, I am already creating pieces for the upcoming Christmas Home Shows that I have been invited to participate in and will be hosting. (that's right I said! I said it!- Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! I don't believe that Christmas is a bad word- it's just another name for Santa!) Again, if you want to host a wine and cheese for your friends, I am happy gather up several artisans to bring there wares to your home for a private showing. In fact these evenings, or afternoons have become quite popular in fact, that we now do several each fall. It is just a great way to stay out of the malls, while still finding unique and beautiful things that are Canadian made by local artisans in your community.

(no carbon offsets required) :) 

I don't shop for gifts in stores anymore. Instead I call these girls and I always find the perfect something for whatever my gifting occasion is. (and I always find a little sumpthin' sumpthin' for myself!)


Recently I was reminded of this and it stuck a cord so deep within me that the lesson of self responsibility pained me. First of all, I know this lesson and it annoyed me that I allowed my ego to get in the way of not taking someone else's actions or more so, lack of action, personally. Secondly, this lesson is a painful one that although I know it, it needs to be revisited by myself and people like me, that being those who are hyper-sensitive. 

Being hyper-sensitive is in someways a brilliant blessing that brings certain metaphysical abilities that I appreciate; however, it also brings along the pain of adjusting and re-adjusting to the thirsty grip of the ego.

Sometimes this dance of being present is exhausting and when I am feeling emotionally fatigued, that is when the ego sneaks through the back door and sets me up for   the   illusion   of    e x p e c t a t i o n s  . . .

That said, I hope you find something in that last paragraph that resonates within you. Off to the garden to sow some more seeds for the falls harvest. 

May the Force be within you.. wink wink.






Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rainbows & Butterflies

It's no secret that it takes all sorts to make a community function. Well, in the community of one of my own sacred circles; indeed I am the one that has been tagged as ' she who lives in the world of 'rainbows & butterflies' at least according to the one we all tag 'Princess'. I suppose I can see why some think I have my head in the clouds. I do see the bright side of most things. I can and do find deeper meaning in everything and I set intention for my day before I leave the house. Now, this doesn't mean I am not sort of known for dropping the occasional 'f' bomb and I certainly have an appreciation for 'bathroom' humour. So for as much as I am teased about my world of 'rainbows & butterflies', let's be clear; those butterflies have kick-ass tattoos and those rainbows are sometimes double edged swords. Either way, I own it. These are all sides of who I am, who I have been and certainly apart of who I will become.

In one of my recent Transcendental Meditation classes, our mentor quoted Marhareshi Mahesh Yogi, who actually taught and mentored him personally into the world of TM. The quote was in response to the question: "Marhareshi, what is our next spititual quest after finding enlightenment?" The response has deeply resonated with me since hearing it. The answer was simple. The Marhareshi simply said: "Once you realize that the sweetest taste is of your own breath, there are no temptations to seek or be distracted by."  It is a very interesting way to put it that once we find that refuge of inner peace, there is nothing else to 'want'. Amazing that our own freedom is literally within each of us and so universally achievable.

I was sharing this quote with a friend yesterday (we tag him D.J. Vega).  We discussed how meditation is another form of prayer. A thought can be a prayer. And in the case of Vega and The Silver Fox for that matter, being in the wilderness, on the ocean in a kayak or somewhere on a mountain bike trail, all of these things are prayers in motion. You are in the moment, effortlessly being authentic and feeling that elevated vibration which instantly connects each of us to the Higher Energy Force (call it whatever you like- titles, names & labels are irrelevant).  I had an epiphany when Vega and I were chatting. I had never considered it before in such simple terms, but when I am designing whether it be words or gems, it is a meditation in every way. It is letting the light flow through me and allowing myself to be a vessel. So in the end, this blog entry is about art after all... it is one of the ways I pray. It is interesting to look around and see how so many people around us are actively living, moving forms of prayer and not even aware of it. Prayer is such a sticky word for many people. People cringe at the thought of praying or prayer. It has icky notions of religion or dogma. When really true prayer is simply being in a safe place in our own hearts feeling a connectedness that makes us feel alive and vital.

I would love to design all the time. My kids would love to play all the time. The Silver Fox would love to kayak or ski all the time (or in the present moment, watch Stanley Cup hockey all the time). All things that bring us joy and all things that are our own personal form of prayer. It really is that benign. It really is about doing what you love so that your vibration can elevate and commune with the higher energy force. :) Such a simple concept yet so intimidating to address sometimes.

So may the 'force' be with you! Easy....I am kidding... sorta. :) lol

Go create, be outdoors, cook, connect, write, sweep (for you Lan), make chocolate, eat chocolate or all of the above... do whatever takes you to that place where you feel most at home in your own skin.

Wishing you rainbows and butterflies! lol or Love & Light... same same. ;)


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

When coming to the decision to add a blog to my website, I was encouraged by many but inspired by a good friend of mine. If you have been on my website  you have seen the link to
Karen's latest post, dated May 16th,  is about parenting and specifically  "Encouragement versus Praise.”

While most of us are doing our best to provide loving and supportive foundations for our children it is very interesting to really understand the difference between encouragement and praise and how different the messages are received to our impressionable babes.

Again, just another little gem from Karen's blog that makes me a better mama. I hope you check it out.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Buddha has landed & The Raven has taken flight.

Welcome to my first Blog post.

It is my wish to share my thoughts, my finds and my heart's appreciation for the blessings that find their way into my life, my art and my journey. I am grateful that you, just by reading this are sharing this adventure with me. Evolution is a grand process and some of you who read this will find many of the words & content familiar as it is very much what we share in our regular 'heart to hearts'. However; I am most excited for those of you who have known me and have not known this side of me, including those who don't know me at all to read these words and discover something new about me and perhaps something about yourself. Due to the former fear I had of judgment, I protected myself by keeping this side of myself shielded from many people. Those days are over. So bring it! :) lol  I finally have a deeper understanding of fear and I no longer fear the illusion of opinions. That being said,  it is my deepest hope that together, each of us will find something that resonates within us in this blog. Maybe in this inaugural entry or perhaps in a future entry.  I don't know. What I do know is that there is no mistake that you have found your way to this blog at this moment. Please read with an open mind and an open heart so that the purpose may find you.

Here we go.... whooo hooo!
