
Saturday, August 6, 2011

" When Someone Shows You Who They Really Are, Believe Them." - Maya Angelou

I use this quote often. I have a few people have asked me what it means.
Well, when I went to see Dr. Angelou speak, she explained the quote as meaning
that when you have known someone for years and years, decades or just days, regardless, when the shiny situations fade and the rust begins to show and someone has the chance to react to something gracefully or react with jealousy or ill intention, believe that is who they are. People are only good as the worst that they treat you personally.
She also goes on to say that when you have rough patch in your life which we all go through or you face a crisis, you are meant to notice who shows up and who doesn't.
Life is full of opportunities to show people who you really are. We are all human, we all make mistakes and miss opportunities, but who is routinely, constantly missing the boat. Are you always missing the boat for certain people, then this means that you are not truly keeping their best interests in your heart.
Maya Angelou is such an eloquent speaker. Her words are gospel to me and her delivery is like poetry in motion. My favorite work of hers is "Phenomenal Woman." I encourage you all to google that!
Love & Light,

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