Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Winter Solstice
Soon the Winter Solstice will arrive and with it the return of brighter, longer days in time for the end 2011. I wish there were words to convey all that learned in this year. Very possibly the most heartbreaking and breathtaking year of my life.
So many highs, so many lows and everything in between. Meeting new friends and loving old friends, and then having to let go of both of them... oh, the lessons. Life lessons come in all shapes and sizes and within their own time lines. I wish I could reach out and change part of the landscape of this year, while in the same breath I fully understand that we should also be grateful for unanswered prayers.
If I had sum up what this year has meant to me, it would be that a massive chapter in my life has come to an end while a new one has been revealed. We all have the peaks and valleys that create our life's story and it fascinates me to no end to be present and in the moment while it all unfolds.
There have been so many amazing people that have taught me so much this year. Watching loved ones achieve their dreams. Whether it has been having children, landing their dream job or simply finding it within themselves to live, take and own their lives and to allow themselves to grow into their 'best selves'. I have a lot to learn from them and I honour those friends for being so courageous.
This year I have faced some truths about myself and I am proud to stand up, stand tall and to admit to myself my flaws. It must have something to do with growing up and realizing all of the ways I am still evolving. I can also own that I have done some amazing things too. Firstly and foremost, I have surrounded myself with amazing people. I am proud of my circle of loved ones and what they have taught me, how they have supported me and loved me every step of the way this year. I owe a deeply humble debt of gratitude to all of them.
I realize that this is a far more personal blog entry than I usually post. I normally write about the jewelry business at some point, but today I wanted to acknowledge my friends. From Halifax to Vancouver Island and right here in my own home. I want to say thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for sharing your love and compassion and I hope you have been able to find some nurturing in our friendship also. Life has become more than ever about the dance of intimacy in my friendships. The trust, the lessons, the vulnerability that comes with being open and honest. Whether it be in our moments of triumph or in those moments where our ugly bits surface. It is all about the fancy foot work that creates a forgiving flow in our closest relationships. Thank you for loving me through all of the above.
With 2012 fast approaching, I want to extend a warm winter wish to each of you reading this. My wish for your new year is that you allow yourself to be cared for. So often we are the caregivers. I hope that you find it in yourself to be cared for. Whether it is a friend who offers you a heartfelt compliment or a stranger that offers to buy you a coffee... accept it. What goes around comes around and you have love and light coming your way. Allow yourself to give the gift of giving to someone else. This has been my greatest lesson this year and it has taught me more about myself than anything else in my lifetime. It has been an amazing journey this year. Thank you for being apart of it. Thank you for being your beautiful self.
Gratitude. It is where I will be in 2012.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Thank You Summer
September arrived in a blaze of glory, and not a minute too soon.
The summer finished on a high note and although I learned and enjoyed ever aspect of it, I welcome September and the routine she brings. I love the spontaneous nature of the summer's pace, I know for certain that my family flourishes with a well scheduled calendar.
Autumn is a mere two weeks away and I can hardly wait to welcome my favorite season. I love to pull out my sweaters and boots. There is nothing like feeling the crispness of the fall air on your face. With the fall also comes 'Trunk Show' Season. I love packing up my jewelry and taking to private home parties where you can meet the people that appreciate and wear your work. There
is nothing more rewarding in my business than to meet the people who wear the blessed stones that I work with. I have been working hard on my fall collection and I am delighted at how it is coming together.
This season I have been working with New Jade, Chocolate Pearls and dozens of funky pendants. I have been loving my work and loving the materials that are trending in New York & Paris. Half of the fun I have is watching the trends abroad and working to put my spin on them. So far the feed back I am receiving has been great and that has me really excited to launch the collection next week at my first Trunk Show of the season.
I am looking forward to watching fall arrive and being further inspired by nature's beauty.
Sending you love & light,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Summer, Is That Really You?
While everyone was complaining about the lack of sun, I was right there
with them. Normally I am the one who reminds everyone that we live
in a rainforest. To think that our summer has been shortened only gives
me hope that our fall will be long and hot.
Just incase you have not heard, it will be an El Nina winter. Lots of snow early and long snowy ski days that will do the spirit good. That fact gives me hope and keeps me excited despite the recent rainy days.
Although many of our summer plans have not come to fruition, many of them have and the summer in our homestead has been awesome. I have been practicing new boundries in all aspects of my life and that has allowed for an incredible string of adventures.
We have been kite boarding in Nitinaht.Camping in the grand U.S. of A, and have spent nice lazy days by the lake. Our family time has been awesome. In order to keep the balance I have had to say no to the invitation we received to The Emmy Awards. (Brad & George will have to wait for another year for me) We are honoured by the invite but delighted to decline the pressures and time away from my family that these honours bring. It isn't all glitz and glam, it is hard work and hard time. Maroon 5 once sang...
"it's not rainbows & butterflies, it's comprimise." That is the real picture.
A few weeks until the school year starts and my lovelies are back on someone elses schedule. I appreciate these freedoms of loving my kids on their time rather than the school systems. That said, I welcome the routine and the promise of rituals that we enter knowingly.
Ahhh, summer. You have been a fickle bird this year... figure it out for next year Yo!
Love & Light,
The Law Of Attraction:
If there is one thing I know for sure, it is that when you let go and relax, amazing things can happen. Over the past several summer weeks I have been away from home quite a bit. There have been several of my friends that I have been wanting to connect with and despite great efforts it has just not happened.
Yesterday I was meant to head up to the Coast for a little R & R on an early ferry but decided that the kids would enjoy some tennis at the Odlem Brown Tennis Tournament. After they played we headed down for a snack and who was there but two of my dear friends that I had been texting for 2 days trying to make time to see one another. As soon as I surrendered to the fact that it would have to wait yet another week I was gifted with the opportunity to hug them both!
One of my friends has spent her summer on her boat with her family. When she is home I am away and vice versa. Today I had to drive down to the local store on the wharf to get some juice and who do I hear greeting me across the store was the other dear friend that should have been way up Desolation Sound by this point, but there she was... arms open and another hug to get us until we can have a girls date on her boat on Bowen. Dreamy.
Recently a few months back, my dear friend Carmen put me onto a website that is called Abraham Hicks. I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking for a postive message that relates to your daily life, then this is something you may want to search on Youtube.
I have turned a few friends on to the site and I have watched their lives shift. Not always a massive dramatic shift, but a fluid continual renewal in their life's purpose realized. I myself have undergone a life changing shift which has allowed me to really look inside and 'refind' myself. My road was more dramatic, but fascinating and challenging in a way that has brought me to a place of authenticity that I didn't even know of.
The law of attraction is a powerful tool. The Dalali Lama says "If you want to know what your future holds, look at what your mind is doing right now." If you can think it, you can be it. If you can imagine having it, you can have it. You need to feel what it is like to have what you want. The universe is ready to provide what you are prepared to endure. The good and the bad.
If you ever take my word for something, take it on this one... Abraham Hicks is a game changer.
Love & Light,
" When Someone Shows You Who They Really Are, Believe Them." - Maya Angelou
I use this quote often. I have a few people have asked me what it means.
Well, when I went to see Dr. Angelou speak, she explained the quote as meaning
that when you have known someone for years and years, decades or just days, regardless, when the shiny situations fade and the rust begins to show and someone has the chance to react to something gracefully or react with jealousy or ill intention, believe that is who they are. People are only good as the worst that they treat you personally.
She also goes on to say that when you have rough patch in your life which we all go through or you face a crisis, you are meant to notice who shows up and who doesn't.
Life is full of opportunities to show people who you really are. We are all human, we all make mistakes and miss opportunities, but who is routinely, constantly missing the boat. Are you always missing the boat for certain people, then this means that you are not truly keeping their best interests in your heart.
Maya Angelou is such an eloquent speaker. Her words are gospel to me and her delivery is like poetry in motion. My favorite work of hers is "Phenomenal Woman." I encourage you all to google that!
Love & Light,
Maya Angelou,
the truth
Monday, July 25, 2011
What Goes Up, Must Come Down
Approaching August has brought a whole lot of learning and understanding.
While many of you who follow my blog know, I spent much of the beginning of 2011 riding a super high while preparing for the 2o11 Academy Awards. (see previous posts for more info if you need)
The high was extreme and it was a wild and wonderful ride which has allowed me to receive invitations to the 2011 Emmy Awards, 2012 Grammy Awards, 2011 Billboard Awards & the 2012 Oscars. All of these invites have been received with a humble heart and with a cautious mind now that I have learned first hand that what goes up comes down equally far.
At this point I should mention that blogspot's format is not allowing me to leave space between paragraphs. If you have any insight please let me know as it is more annoying to me than it is to you! Sorry.
January, February & March were as I mentioned, wildly wonderfully but also wickedly wearing. I worked fast and hard for 3 months outside my comfort zone. I am not complaining I am just saying it was fast and furious and I have huge respect for what it has done for my business and myself; however, it also made for a few months of personal growth that was not for seen.
March came and I was tired and overwhelmed. It took me through April, May, and June to recover from the highs and I even found myself in some shadowy lows. It was hard for me to recognize and make the connection between the hype of my business and the emotional exhaustion I was feeling but with the help of my Silver Fox and some peeps 'in the know', I was able to piece it all together and learn a whole lot about myself.
Looking in the mirror and the rear view mirror can give someone a great deal of confidence and a whole pile of self realization. I have begun to realize that my life is much more enjoyable when I place boundaries on myself and others. I have said it before and it holds as true as ever that I am best when I only try two cross two things of my to-do list in a day. I am no super woman or 'supah mama' nor do I desire to rise to societies demands that achieve accolades. I am a one woman show with human abilities. I am beginning to find out what I am made of and it is solid, earthy wares that have allowed me to arrive at this place of absolution. I absolutely am not one who likes to feel the pressure of other people's expectations. Rule number one and the newest and most prized realization... I am not responsible for anyone else accept those whom I brought into the world. For them I gladly take ownership. All others must make themselves happy. Wow, sounds simple but certainly took me awhile to grasp this concept.
Love & Light,
highs lows,
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Lotus Is Stunning- Despite Growing In The Mud.
If you follow my blog you will know that I have used a similar title before. I have recently spent a great deal of time reading up and learning about the lotus flower and I have been amazed at just how spectacularly beautiful they are despite growing from the thickest mud around. Not only do they grow in mud but they are so beautiful and healthy because they grow in mud.
I have spent my fair share of time in hospitals, whether it has been from visiting them personally or visiting other patients or from my time spent volunteering. I have seen some incredibly beautiful things in that time. I have seen some breathtaking moments that would have not otherwise happened had it not been for the often unfortunate reason for being at the hospital.
(New Babies are exempt in from this example!)
Even in the darkest of places where the shadows reside, they are not powerful enough to keep the light out. In some of the darkest situations I have witnessed such pure beauty that it actually defies the laws of darkness. It is such a beautiful reminder that it is absolutely true, the Lotus grows so beautifully because of that deep, thick, black mud, not just despite it.
I have been candid in my blog posts and I am happy to put myself out there in a way that makes people think and question their own self truths. I have told you about my childhood, my teens and early twenties. I did well on my own despite the situations. I trusted myself and I counted on myself in a way that never caused anyone to ever 'worry' about me. I have somehow in life equated other people 'worrying' about me as some sort of personal failure. I have unfortunately taken that trait and brought it into my adulthood and allowed it to flourish.
I recently learned that it is okay to 'worry' about each other, meaning that it is okay to have friends 'worry' about me. It may sound like a small, insignificant realization but it is actually monumental. It actually is a door to healing apart of myself that has been put away and hidden as a weakness when really the only weakness in that is the one that takes away the opportunity for friends to support you/me and the gift that is in that giving.
I have been known to be of a very generous nature but have recently been outed as a
'greedy giver', meaning that I don't allow others to easily give to me. My lesson for June 2011 is to allow others to be there for me and to allow them to gift me with their worry and love. It is my lesson to learn to accept without discrediting their gift by feeling guilty for it. I wonder how many of my readers have the same issue... the greedy givers... I would love to hear from you and hear how you deal with it.
This month marks a new chapter in my life. Life before June 2011 and life after. I will go into more detail as the journey unfolds. For now I will sign off and remind you to look around you and reach out to those friends you haven't heard from in a while. Go knock on their door... you never know how bright you can make someone's day and how your gift of presence is a bigger gift than you might imagine.
Love & Light,
ps- we were invited to do the 63rd Emmy Award Gift Bags yesterday!!!!
Emmy Awards,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
To know me is to know that I live a life surrounded by love, while loving the things that surround me. Life is so interesting in so many ways. With so much love there had to be Balance along the way.My life is full of gifts and blessings are boundless and of course with them come the lessons that make us grow. I wish I could say that they were painless but today I can tell you that they are not always. It is so hard to find something, an outlet whether it be creative or otherwise that inspires you, drives you or reminds you of who you are or who you are capable of being. It is more difficult when you have to let it go.
Whether it be a drumming circle you love to be apart of, yet your back cannot handle the weight of the drum, whether it be a friend that invokes a part of your spirit that is unavailable, or whether it be an experience which you cannot afford or whether it is knowing that someone you love is ill and the remedy seems unattainable. It doesn't matter the circumstance, rather, it is the feeling of letting go something that had once made you dream.
On this dreary Vancouver day, the exact kind of day that usually inspires me to dance naked in the rain, I am in a place of contemplation. Giving thanks for all, grieving the things that weren't meant to be, and wrestling with the things that I wish I could control.
After spending yesterday on such a high, surrounded by people who are battling cancer and those who have survived, I spend today humbled by their spirit and courage, and feel shameful for feeling anything but gratitude for the blessings in my life. Tears have been my constant companion today- this year has brought me so much beauty and I am overwhelmed in away that finds my cheeks soaked as I type. With everything there is Balance, and today is the day where the shadows have creeped in and I only have energy to welcome them.
Balance. The shadows arrive so that we may remember how glorious the light feels when it finds us. Today is a day of reckoning. A day of remembering who we are, who we want to be, and what we are modeling for our children. It can be so difficult to remember that when we choose these roles as friends, mothers, wives, daughters and mavericks. When we sign on to take these roles we are committing to sacrifice what is necessary for the greater good of those roles in our life. It is one of those small details that can smack you in the face when you find yourself on a path that you have arrived upon too soon in your journey or on a path that was never meant for you. Having to turn around and navigate back to your authentic self's path can be staggering, confusing and a real exercise in blind faith in our karmic belief of our destiny.
This journey we so often talk about is the grandest display of Balance that we could possibly ask for. So many of my beloveds are facing real life issues right now, everything from cancer, divorce, unemployment, deaths, breakdowns and more. On the flip side, I have beloveds expecting babies, getting promotions, building new houses, planning weddings and having life changing breakthroughs. There is that word again, Balance. Our journeys may seem so different yet there really aren't. We just take turns exploring the peaks and valleys of this life. I have said that we come into this world alone, and we leave the same way. I take it back. I have seen and felt things in people that I cannot explain yet they have made me believe that we are never alone. Some kindred spirits find us again- remind us that they are here in our hearts and before we know it they are gone again- though their presence may be brief it is there long enough to remind us in this lifetime that we are not without them and vise versa. Letting go would be intolerable without this gift of remembering.
On days where the tears just won't dry, at some point you just have to welcome them and let them cleanse your spirit. Let them wash away any misguided regret and allow these moments to be the ones where you reground yourself and rest so that you may wake up tomorrow able to brush yourself off and start fresh with the promise that each new day offers.
Today is one of those days I find comfort in tragic beauty. The video I have attached is one of those tragically beautiful songs, where most of the words speak to my spirit and speak of good byes my spirit cannot say.
Never say good bye, just say until we meet again.
xo t.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Curious Times...
It has been a good month since I last checked in. I have been working constantly preparing for many of the events I have committed to. I have learned a great deal about myself and my business in the past few months. In the midst of the Oscars hype I received many invitations and offers to participate and attend many events and fundraisers. At the the time I was eager to optimize the momentum I was gaining which has resulted in an incredibly busy schedule and very little balance in my day to day. These are the growing pains of success and I am learning...
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Beyond pearls and crystals, the last few months have been absolutely fascinating to me. Like most people, in the life that I have live I have met many people and many of them have impacted my life greatly, in unique ways. With the constant transition that followed my later teens and early twenties it became difficult to maintain connection with those people, never mind have any sense of good bye or closure with most of them. As a result it has left me with years of wondering where those specific people have landed? What has their journey looked like? Who are they now? Are they happy? Those who know me know that I live through my heart and once I care for you, I always care unless of course their is some sinister reason not to.
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Well, in the past few months almost all of those people that I have been wondering about have surfaced. It is absolutely cosmic and absolutely mind blowing the timing... everyone just started to bubble up to the surface at the same time. What is more exciting is that they are all doing well and are all living lives that are inspiring and fulfilling. What more could you ask for your friends, past and present?
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I have recently heard from everyone from my first boyfriend to my first dance instructor when I was 11 and many others in between. It is so rewarding to reminisce about what life was then and what it is today and to hear how the past 2o, 15, 10 years have treated us. Who we were and how are journeys have led us to who we are meant to be is a best selling book waiting to be published. The stories are heart wrenching, heart warming and remarkable. We never stop evolving and the experiences we need to endure and enjoy never stop coming, this is why I love running into people ever few years, I love watching the transformation.
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Transformation and freedom have proven to be the theme of this year so far. My business has exploded in away that was beyond the dream I had dreamt for it. The friends of yesteryear have caught up with me so that the time I used to spend wondering is no longer a factor and that has given me a comfort and given my heart a freedom that I can't explain.
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My inner circle of friends have all found individual happiness and bliss. This is the first time ever that my team of beloveds are all blissing out at the same time which also frees my heart from the burden my heart feels when someone I love so much is struggling. My own little family is gelling in a way that we have not ever before. When your children reach a certain age there is another freedom that arrives, and with it comes the allowance for The Silver Fox and I to reunite in away that was suspended when you have children who need you more than you actually 'need' each other. We have finally arrived at a place where we can enjoy the luxury of needing each other again. The Fox and I have made some heavy hearted decisions that will require a few sacrifices, but will allow our family to spend more time together and to enjoy the simple and most rewarding of life's pleasures... quality time together. I am relieved and ecstatic by all of the above. For the first time ever I feel like I have arrived.
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With all of the bliss and gratitude I am also feeling overwhelmed by this place I have arrived to. I fully understand how I got here and that this was my goal destination. I am a person that needs a goal. I need to be driven by excitement. I have also arrived for the first time ever to a place where I see myself clearly as a single being. That must sound crazy to many, but my bff's know that I attach myself to those I love. I have enjoyed being apart of my loved ones lives in ways where sometimes I can get too close. In all of my relationships I have tended to see myself as part of the other person and I have felt a responsibility to partake and maintain the happiness of all parties. I don't know when it happened but I woke up one day and for the first time ever I detected my own aura per se, as being separate than anyone elses. It was a surreal experience and slightly startling until I realized how freeing it felt. I am my own person and I have my own right to be myself and to do what is right for my own singular spirit. That said, I don't know how differently I will live my life, ;) but the realization was exhilarating and long, long over due.
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Although I know and understand that I am responsible for my own happiness, I have just really realized at a cellular that is the only happiness I can control. Of course my children are under my wing and I will always advocate for them but I will invest as much time teaching them how to create their own bliss. In the last few weeks I have been finding new ways to nurture my own spirit and it is refreshing to be an individual and to have something that is just mine, just for me with the freedom and energy to do so. The Silver Fox has been a great model of self preservation over the years. He knows what feeds his spirit and he nurtures himself in kayaking, skiing, and running with regularity and always something he prefers to do alone. Those are the things that he does solo that are just for him. I have always felt the need to surround myself with many people when I am enjoying me time. The shift for me is that I am not looking to include maybe one other person instead of 5 and I am learning to appreciate the quiet of solace. My mind no longer fears the quiet and I am sure that is largely to do with my TM practice. Again, it is just another freedom I am enjoying.
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I have to encourage everyone to find another new way to nurture yourself. Go do something just for yourself that makes you feel alive and free. There is a rush to feeling that organic vitality that you can only find when you are living your authentic self's purpose.
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Love & Light,
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Nothing Stays The Same
Before I even launch into writing what I really want to say, I need to acknowledge that this darn blogger site has somehow changed a setting that allows breaks between my paragraphs. When I am composing my post I use paragraphs and they do appear on my draft but once I publish they disappear. Forgive me- I am still trying to resolve it.
I am constantly trying to create balance in my day to day life. Aren't we all? There are times when the challenge is greater than my ability to manifest it. These are the moments when I usually allow for myself to engage a little bit of auto pilot. What I mean by that is that I have come to expect certain people in my life to participate and behave a certain way. I know ideally we should expect nothing from anyone ever in life; however, when someone has been in your life for several years or decades even, you innately choreograph a certain dance that you engage in. We all represent a certain 'role' in one another's lives. The complication in this scenario is when we do not allow for the acknowledgment that we are constantly evolving and morphing into who we are meant to be.
It is difficult to look at someone one you have known for your entire adult life and to see them with fresh eyes, especially when who you see is not who you remember them to be. There are always allowances we give to our nearest and dearest friends. When friend 'X' is always late, you think to yourself 'Ah, well she has been late for all of our lunch dates since we were 21, that's just her.' Well, my recent revelation is that I am no longer okay with these 'allowances'. My attitude now is that we are nearly 40 now, get a watch. It's one thing to be chronically late and it's another to disrespect someone else's time. Let me say, I do not have an issue with any of my friends being chronically late, it is just a great example.
Recently, 'Princess' was in the heart of the Christchurch earthquake. If you have followed my blog you know that she is more like a sister to me than anything else. Needless to say, having her there was heart wrenching for all of us who love her. Luckily, by the time I knew of the situation there had already been word that she and 'The Aunty' were fine. Traumatized, but physically unharmed. My heart continues to go out to those who live in and have lost in New Zealand and to all of those who love them. I feel selfish to even say it considering I was not involved in the quake, but it was life changing to be here and helpless while 'Princess' was there.
When you face the thought of losing someone so close to you, you naturally reevaluate your life's meaning and those within it. Hence the fact that I am now looking at all of my relationships and viewing them with fresh eyes. Life and time is so precious and so fleeting. What behaviors are no longer feeding my spirit? Which ones are draining my limited supply of energy and time?
It can be difficult to face the reality of who your beloveds are vs. who you thought they still were.
That said, check yourself while you are at it. I experienced a huge revelation in this regard a few years ago. There was one girl who had been in the peripheral of my social circle. We used to have this repetitive courtship where we would try to engage in a friendly way but it always ended in drama. She blames me, I held her accountable and it just was not becoming for either of us. It was after I read 'A New Earth' by Eckhart Tolle that I realized that we were both feeding off the drama of it all. We both subconsciously knew that the other would engage in the drama and we learned to expect it from one another. It was a humbling experience to realize that I was equally responsible for this childish, exhausting behaviour that I had always given her credit for.
It was amazing to realize that we were playing roles. We had created this dance of drama that we learned to count on the other one to engage with us in. Since then I have freed her and myself from any contact. It's just better that way. We really don't have to be friends with everybody. We really only need to be polite and gracious. Amen! It is okay even to not like someone, that's right! I said it! I said it! Wish them well and see yah!
A friend sent me the link I have attached to this blog post. It speaks to this very subject and I love the way it is written. I encourage you to take a look at it. It really makes you think.
Life is short. Make sure the people who you are giving your love to are mirroring it back to you.
We are all busy, we all have lives and responsibilities there is never an excuse to take friendships for granted, nor should we. We risk the chance of being 'reevaluated'.
On that note, go call your 'nears and dears' and tell them how much you love them!
Love & Light,
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Gucci Earth Mother
It wasn't that long ago that my friend 'the decorator' coined the name G.E.M. for me. I have mentioned this before and ever since many of my beloveds call me the Gucci Earth Mother. I can admit that I see how she came to the name. For example, yesterday I strapped on my Blundstone boots (earth mother), grabbed my Chanel sunglasses (gucci), my Coach purse (gucci) jumped into my Suburu (earth mother) and headed to the beach to meditate by the water (earth mother) and then headed to Holt Renfrew (gucci).
I can own that I am a complicated girl and a vast spectrum of contradictions. I guess I could pretend to be one or the other or I could pretend to be neither... but the reality is I am both and even more. If I had to claim one or the other, 'Gucci' or 'Earth Mother' ( yes, I am using both as adjectives) I would have to say Earth Mother. I am happiest in the outdoors, surrounded by tall trees and the sound of birds and water near by. Yet, when I am driving through Kits, I am quickly reminded of the days of yesteryear when I would be driving down 4th in my convertible, heading to some event at some chic hotspot. There is something about that time when I was very comfortable in the 'Gucci' domination of G.E.M. These days, the older I get and the deeper I fall in love with my family, the more I settle into the comforting nuances that find you when you come into who you were always meant to be.
As more opportunities surface on the heals of February's Oscar buzz, I am faced with situations where I it feels like I am needing to define my stance on G.E.M.- it seems like I am a bit of an
oxymoron. Wouldn't be the first time I was deemed a strange bird, nor will it be the last, but more than ever I am sure of who I am, who I am not, and who I won't become.
I have received literally hundreds and hundreds of emails this past month from people with the warmest, most complimentary and encouraging words for me. Every message has been heartwarming and I could not articulate how truly meaningful and supportive these emails have been. The phone calls from parents of my friends, old co-workers reaching out has been so touching and unexpected. I have been humbled and re-humbled daily throughout this amazing journey and every single day I shake my head and pinch myself. My heart is bursting with white light and love. This is such a magical time and every blessing that comes is paid forward I assure you.
This past week I was invited to participate in the M.T.V. Music Awards Gift Bags. I am honoured by the invitation and look forward to participating in future years. Right now I am focused on filling the ever growing mountain of orders that continually are coming into and filling up my in-box. In my spare time, (yeah right!) I have chosen to focus on my 'new way' to support the people in my community.
I recently reached out to the Ovarian Cancer Agency of B.C. to offer a piece of jewelry for their silent auction at their latest fundraising event, Gala-Glam-Give which was hosted at the Birks flagship store downtown. If you have not been in this building you really must go to check it out. It is a gem of a building. The envelope of the structure is exquisite and the jaw dropping bling within is equally as lovely. Unfortunately, because of the venue other designer jewelry was not kosher to have involved in the silent auction; however, the organizers of the event were in need of thank you gifts for the volunteer models who were also local celebs that were doing their part in the name of the fight against cancer. I was happy to donate 20 necklaces for the models. It was another expense that was saved and monies that could be put towards cancer research.
I was also contacted this week by the Canadian Red Cross who were looking for a donation for their silent auction that will be apart of their own gala fundraiser at Blue Water Cafe. I am happy to help. Tonight I was contacted by Music B.C. Foundation looking for support for their fundraising event. I am delighted to help my community and I appreciate that through the recent Oscar attention that my business has enjoyed, I have been enabled to in turn support these causes. Love is only good if you have it to give.
Tomorrow I am meeting with another local artist Carla D' Angelo. I have been a huge fan of her work even prior to knowing that she was a local artist. I encourage you to check out her unique work at she is very talented. I am looking forward to joining forces with other artists for the greater good of our community. Stay tuned... this is going to be good!
There is lots of good things on the horizon... I can hardly wait to fill you in. Stay tuned!
Love & Light,
Sunday, February 27, 2011
It's Oscars Night!
It was January 3rd when I returned home from our xmas holidays. I had big plans to get organized in my home and mind and to continue on the path of our incredibly family focused journey that 2010 had created. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans.
Within four days of returning home, the Red Carpet email came in and it has been the focus of my everyday since. The past 8 weeks has been the wildest ride I have taken in a long time. It has proven to be an incredible week on so many levels. It is amazing how defined time can feel when you have a deadline. I have a very vivid time line of happenings of the past month and a half.
Being invited to have my jewelry included in the Oscar Gift Bags was absolutely a highlight in my career. I explained it to a friend that it was like I had arrived or that I was finally legit when people asked me what I do ( which i still think is the lamest question ever... i am not what i do- and i feel so sorry for those who actually believe that the letters behind their name give them anymore credibility as a decent person than those without) and I reply that I am a jewelry designer. Really, I am actually an artist first and jewelry is just my most successful medium.
I am so grateful for the amazing opportunity that has found me. I have put every effort in maximizing every aspect of the benefits that can be derived from this situation. I have aligned myself with the PR GURU that has worked with me as a partner and together we have landed some incredible media coverage. This month I have been seen and heard on Global Morning News, Global Noon News, The Express, eTALK, Entertainment Tonight Canada, I was on the Cover of the Vancouver Sun, I was in The Edmonton Journal, The Ottawa Citizen, The Windsor Star, The Phoenix Star, 24 hrs, The North Shore News, The North Shore Outlook, The Mike Bullard radio show, News 1130, QMFM with Mike & Tara which will air tomorrow, and more local print that will come out in the next few weeks.
It has been an incredibly humbling compliment to have been invited to be featured on all of those different media outlets. Every experience was amazing and I have learned a great deal. I mean quite honestly, to land the cover of the Vancouver Sun is quite an accomplishment. Even the 'Silver Fox' was a bit confused by it... he looked at the cover and his first words were..." How did you get a bigger picture on the cover than the Sedins? lol Seriously... so funny.
The next round of media will be in the bigger magazines. I was contacted by the company that is presenting the Oscar Gift Bags and they informed me that their press release has gone out to all of the media/ magazines with photos and names of the gift bags and the contributors. So keep your eyes posted while you are perusing through the magazines in the next couple of weeks and watch for the gift bag and watch for the lariat on all of those lovely starlets! Let me know if you see anything!
Beyond working really hard to prepare all of the jewels for the Oscars I have also seen some real life action. In one week I had 2 sick babes, 1 traveling husband, a root canal, a clogged toilet (thanks B.Man) , a sick dog, and of course the rest of life's dailies. It was full on and in the midst of all of it all I was watching my email stack up with dozens of orders from across the country. It was a range of emotion that only continued to seek extremes when the next week a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer that has taken over her body. The week after that, last week I had one of my closest bff's get caught in downtown Christchurch where the earthquake hit. She actually watched the spire on the church collapse. So if you want to talk about polar opposite emotions... as I was watching my Entertainment Tonight interview I was also texting with my friends trying to source the latest information on our bff and her journey back to Canada.
( Thank God she is home safe and sound!)
Although I try really hard to live in the moment I have actually been waiting for today to arrive for 8 weeks. I feel this huge relief. The work is done. The celebs have my work. The blessings I have bestowed are working their charm just by being in their possession. Now I need to trust that the love I have put into each piece will find its way to the person who needs it most.
Tonight the Oscars will air. I had big plans for a red carpet affair for tonight but alas I am home with two sick babes who just need to have Mama envelope them in the warm mama love that seems to make feeling ill just a little more tolerable. No matter what I am or what I do, I am a Mama first and nothing I do could ever be more important than making these two little spirits feel loved and cared for. While some will be sipping Champagne tonight and donning their finest silks, I will be sipping left over chicken noodle soup that I will make for the kids tonight and that Champagne will be replaced with decaf Earl Grey tea. That is my speed and I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to call these sweet spirits mine to nurture and to love. There is no other award greater or more valuable to me than having the honour of hearing them say to me
"Mama, how come you love us so much?" Those words affirm that I am doing a great job by doing what I truly love most. I love to love my family.
That said, eyes peeled for the lariats! ;)
love & light,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Watch Entertainment Tonight... TONIGHT!
Tonight we will be featured on Entertainment Tonight Canada!
If you missed our segment on eTalk lastnight you can catch it again today at noon!
Good Times!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
We are on ETALK Right Now!
For those interested:
We are on ETALK right now on the eastern feed Channel 88. I missed our local airing, but if you have a the eastern feed you can catch us. We are on in the last 10 minutes of the show. You can see us around 10 to 9pm. :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Stars Are Aligned, We All Get To Live Our Passion.
I find it so interesting that even at the most hectic of times, a fresh snowfall can quiet even the wildest chaos. Waking up to the sound of a (almost) four year old's squeal that it is snowing outside may be the sweetest sound ever. It is the epitome of childhood bliss and anything that brings my children bliss, and my children's elation, is the foundation of my own bliss.
I write today with mixed emotions. I am still amazed by what the past six weeks have brought to fruition. I have the Oscars excitement that is still alive and electric running through me. I have been approached by many amazing women who have unexpectedly reached out to offer support to me and my work.
I have my amazing friend 'Di' who just had her documentary "Abandon Ship: The sinking of The Concordia" debut on the CBC. It is worth mentioning that her daughter was on that vessel when it sank so her accounting of the event is particularly raw & accurate. To watch this documentary it is evident that 'Di' is living her passion.
My other friend 'Care' is following her passion and in the midst of realizing her own dream which I am blessed to be in the inner circle of development in that I am privileged to be a sounding board and a spiritual & creative support to her in this time of her beautiful manifestation. She is living her passion.
I recently received an email from one of our s local sirens. I'll call her 'Bif' ;). She was so gracious and generous with her light and love when she reached out to me. She has indeed been a welcome and like minded supporter of women living their passion. 'Bif' is an icon for women aspiring to live their passion because she has long been living her passion.
Moments ago I received another email from a fellow jewelry designer who I respect very much. I will refer to her as 'Sugar'. We have been sharing a lot of press these past few weeks and as I have said to her, it is a huge compliment to be in her company- and an inspiration to me as she too is living her passion.
A moment ago I opened an email from one of my all time favorite Collingwood students. FYI- anyone who works with children and claims that we don't have favorites...they full of it! That is just a big ole' lie! Those little lovelies work their way into your heart and the space they've claimed only continues to grow and we, continue to grow more fond of them as the years go on. I will refer to this particular little heart stealer as 'CG'. Here is a perfect example of the next generation of amazing women living their passion. 'CG' was one of those students who had supportive parents, great friends, teachers who love her, and whose beauty is immense and shines from the inside out. 'CG' has always held a special place in my heart for all of the above reasons but she won my highest respect when she made an incredibly difficult decision when it came to deciding on which university to attend. Where her family all attended one University, and the hope was that 'CG' would follow suit and many of her other bff's chose another school to attend, 'CG' listened to her heart, followed her passion and was accepted to an incredible university overseas. It takes huge courage and passion to follow your own inner voice at such a tender age. Alas, 'CG' has the personal insight that I wish for my 'Miss. B' when she arrives at that age. 'CG' inspires me and she is listening to and living her passion.
And now, here comes the mixed emotion...
I also have a friend who I will call 'Em'. Em is the mother we all wish we had. To watch her parent her children you know she was born to be a Mama. She is the queen of play dates. The champion chef for feeding her family healthy, whole, organic foods. Her playroom is every kid's fantasy and her backyard a family mecca. Her world is obviously her family and her family shines for it. Today is 'Em's birthday. Where you might expect her to be spending her day filled with lunch with the girls, flowers, candy, balloons, big laughs, wine, dinner out... just a laid back, fun kind of day. I could see how you would expect that. Rather, she gets to receive her first radiation treatment today. There is no fun involved there. There is fear and anxiety and a deep hope for a miracle. Where the cancer has claimed her body, I am here to say I claim her body too. I knew 'Em' first and I am here to ask all of you to send her light & love and healing energy. She deserves to be healthy and her children, our children, we all deserve to be apart of the love she has to give. I believe if the stars are really aligned then 'Em's fight is really our fight and together we can be part of the story that ends with the sentence... " and that is how they turned the table and how THEY fucked cancer over!" 'Em' deserves to continue to live her passion, but more than anything she deserves to live.
Love & Light and a big ole FUCK YOU CANCER..NOT THIS TIME...! ;)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
On a morning like today when my family wakes up to the sound of birds singing in the forest behind our log home, accompanied by the sweet smell of the warm air and the sight of trees coming back to life- it is hard not to appreciate all that we have. I cannot begin this blog post any other way than to give thanks that Egypt has been heard and their president has stepped down. My father(in-law) was born in Egypt, and it was only a couple of years ago that he and his 'The Silver Fox's Mama returned there again for another visit, one last visit. Their pictures were amazing. I cannot help but be so heart broken for the pain and destruction that has occurred, but also so grateful that our immediate family is here, safe, together and whole. Godspeed to those in Cairo and to those with loved ones there. It is hard to think of anything more than the real issues of our day to day life. I had friend tell me yesterday that he has to fly to Bangkok today- as his father passed suddenly of a heart attack. My heart broke for him as he explained the situation to me, yet he himself was so strong and so stoic, it was a such a fantastic reminder that attitude and spirit are everything. My heart is with he and his beautiful wife and family.
Now on to seemingly superficial excitement... I am going to be on Entertainment Tonight next week. I am very excited about it for sure. It is just hard to separate world chaos and a television show. I am very excited to be appearing on a show I love to watch. The opportunities that are attached to such an honour are overwhelming. So far, of all the media I have been working with, this is the one I am most excited about. I love that I will be sharing the segment with Karen Buder of Sugarlime Jewelry. I am not sure how she feels about it, but I do feel very excited anytime women are acknowledged.
This past week has been monumental. I have been dealing with exciting stuff, and real stuff. I was on the cover of both local newspapers, I have had a family with the flu, recovering from a root canal, having to unclog a toilet (thank you 'B-Man' for shoving a compact down there) I filled the Thomas Haas order I had for custom Valentine's Day cards. They are now there and available for purchase. Yesterday was amazing, I shipped off my Oscar Jewels and they are on route. Relieved, honoured, humbled and amazed are a few of the emotions that came within the tidal wave of emotions that through me all over the tissue map yesterday.
It has been a long month full of amazing moments, and my family has been amazing. My friends have championed my every success and I have been stunned by the response of strangers. I have tried to share this spot light with as many different women as I can. I have tried very hard to pay these opportunities I have been given, forward and I have learned a great deal about how guarded some people are about sharing success. It has been so interesting, and a lesson in trying to respect a behavior I do not understand.
Prior to this Oscars excitement, I began this year with a commitment to get my whole self organized. My body, mind & spirit. My home, my routines, my systems. I knew this year was going to be a TSN Turning Point in my life, I just didn't for see how that was going to manifest. Now that I have a clue, I need to return to my mission and I have had the 'Aha' moment. I can't do it by myself. I need help. So I have enlisted a professional to help me. We all have our strengths and I have acknowledged that being an organized person is not mine. 2011 is the year that I find balance, simplicity and that I accept that my imperfections are a gift that allows me to better myself.
Someone recently reminded me of one of my favorite quotes that has been quite obvious to me in the past month:
"When you do what you love, the universe will rise up to meet you." - Oprah
Love & Light,
Entertainment Tonight,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A Lotus Grows In The Mud...
What a week it has been. I have had the pleasure of meeting with many reporters, signing off on images, being contacted by future clients, old friends and all the while, creating jewelry steeped in heart warming intention.
I know many of you saw the cover of the Vancouver Sun. I am still in awe of the honour and deeply touched by the out pouring of love and well wishes by so many. I cannot articulate how much I appreciate the warm sentiments from loved ones and strangers alike. Thank you seems less than the gratitude I hope to convey.
Yesterday morning I was invited to share a seat on the couch at Global T.V. with News Anchor Steve Darling. Where I had been warned that many anchors are dismissive and will not engage you unless the cameras are hot, Steve lived up to his name. He was so warm and welcoming. He was authentic and made me feel very comfortable. Mark Madryga was very animated also. On a side note, the week after I was married to 'The Silver Fox', I was walking around in Kits with my sweet friend 'Al' and she and I were walking up to Mark who was about to do a segment on the weather. Long and short of it, I walked up to him and told him that I am a newlywed and I wanted to show my new bling of a wedding ring to the world. He fit me into his segment and alas, I come the the long winded review of how I first encountered Mark M.
Anyway, as I was saying, Mark was also engaging and Arran Henn the lovely traffic reporter was equally warm and hospitable. I dare to say that Global T.V has the most charming reporters I have dealt with so far.
Knowing that I would be doing interviews, a few weeks ago I made my way to the Vancouver Island to do a little shopping at my number one, absolutely, hands down favorite clothing store. If you have not been there, you must go. If you live on the island, you already know what a haven it is, and for those of you who go into Nanaimo or need a one stop fashion go-to this is it!
SARTORIAL- 295 Wallace Street. No, I am not getting kick backs. No, I am not related to the owner. No, I don't get discounts for referring people to her. What I do get, is the thrill to know that all of my beloveds are getting the same kick ass service I do when I go there. Here is what I do know about Sartorial. If I owned a shop, it would be this shop. It is the size of the amazing walk-in closet that Carrie Bradshaw has in her and 'Big's' new Upper Eastside apartment in the first SATC movie. It is large enough to host a party with you and your bff's but quaint enough that it feels exclusive and elegant. The wallpaper, the front door, the location, all of it feels like someone has created this little oasis and the only way to get in is to know somebody who knows somebody. I love it. Now the gal who owns it who you will usually find there... her name is Tashe. Not Tasha. Not Natasha. Tashe. Simple, strong, straight to the point and very fashionable. This girl suits her name and her store is a clear reflection of her business and buying sense.
You see, Tashe, knows her inventory and she knows her body types. She can look out you with her peripheral vision alone and pull out the exact pieces that are going to compliment your curves for you, or rather, create the illusion of curves for those less fortunate 'skinny types'. We all have our crosses to bear... :) lol So, yes going to Sartorial you get free with entry, the expertise of a humble but talented personal stylist named Tashe. You get the most unique and beautiful collections of clothing to choose from. AND, get ready for it... her prices are not ridiculous. They are absolutely no more or less than the industry standard. Hence, I find taking a ferry to the island good value for a personal shopping experience. The other fun fact is that the lines she carries are also the brands that we see some of our favorite celebs wearing. If you friend her on Facebook you will get her fashion updates which are amazing. If you do sign up- write on the wall that you read about her on my blog. For that matter, follow my Buddha & The Raven Page and I will collect the names of those who mention this blog entry and I will put all the names into a hat and on March 15th I will pull a name and whoever that is will receive one of my Oscar Bound Lariats. Tell your friends. But you have to follow Sartorial & Buddha & The Raven and mention this blog on both walls. The piece I will be drawing for is valued at $120.00.
You can only have your name entered once.
Okay- so the point of telling you about Sartorial was to mention that everything I have worn in my interviews and in photos and on T.V. has been from Sartorial. Hand picked for me by Tashe. I have received so many compliments. One of the more exciting moments I had about my latest purchases was that one of the pieces that Tashe deemed was a must have on me, was this black little number that was cute and flattering but more important to me was that it was uber-comfortable. Crazy comfy. Anyway- I was watching Oprah the other day and sure enough one of her must haves for the spring was from Fluxus, which is the brand Tashe insisted I buy! Well, if Tashe and Oprah tell me it's a must have... then it is a must freakin' have! Hollah! lol
Oprah, I heart Oprah. I learned a very valuable lesson from 'my sista from anutha mista' this past week. I was watching when she revealed that she and her family wanted to share some personal news, their way and on their terms. I took note and am about to do the same.
I recently was interviewed by Justin Beddall. He is the Editor of the North Shore Outlook, and by far the most talented reporter I have come across yet. He is kind and polite. He has a warmth that makes you trust him, and he has integrity. I was interviewed by Justin earlier this week and the article comes out in tomorrows paper. Look for it! Anyway- in the process of our interview, I felt safe enough to disclose some personal details about where I have come from. Not super detailed, but super personal. Here is where his integrity outshines his warmth... he called me back yesterday and wanted to double check that I was still feeling good about sharing so much. I couldn't believe my ears. In a time where scandal and dirt sell papers, he wanted to know if I was still comfortable with opening myself up to becoming a bit more vulnerable. Hats off to this man. I just cannot speak highly enough to this gesture of humanism. Kudos.
( I did say to run with it)
I just want to acknowledge what was said and how it came up. Basically, Justin asked me if I was proud of this latest accomplishment involving the Oscars. He asked if I had dreamed this dream since childhood and what had I wanted to be when I grew up. I told Justin that I never had those dreams as a child. My dreams were about surviving and about moving far, far away from my then home life, and all those within. Without getting into sordid details and creating drama where the drama has long been over, what I will say is that no I didn't enjoy the carefree childhood my children and their friends do today. I still catch myself stunned when they are playing with imaginary unicorns and having tea parties where I, me, a mommy am invited AND graciously accept and together we eat crumpets and design jewelry together! Rather, my childhood ended before it really began. My happiest childhood memories are the ones that my husband and I have given to our children. Do I have a mom & dad that support me and love me, who I get to share these success... Yes! They are my husband's parents who have loved me unconditionally in a whole, and beautiful way since the day they met me. Do I bring any grandparents to the table for my own children? No. I have not had a relationship with my bio/mother since I was 19 yrs old. I left home at 14 when I knew that I was emotionally, physically, spiritually, totally safer on my own than staying where I was. I gave it five years for her to do right by me, and that day never came and as a result the early years in my life were a struggle. I went to school with kids that knew a strong foundation at home. None of them could figure out what was different about me, not until the day I finally came to school with bruises on me that were actually visible and not hidden by my clothing. Save your pity. Really, it is misplaced with me. Please... To know me is to know that working two jobs, finishing school and having to muster all of the strength and courage I could at 14 yrs old was what got me to this place now. I am loved. I am strong. I have what few of you might have... I have 'Princess', 'Big City', 'Bean', 'The Writer', 'The Marnster' Lil' g', 'Rox' ' & a few other treasures. I have these sisters who I love, and I love to hate in a good way. The point is... sounds like a family huh? We can throw down some good one liners at one another but when real life is happening- we show up. A baby, a funeral, a dream lost, a dream realized... we are on each other's door steps. Food in hand, to- do lists, husbands in tow with jobs to do, we take over each other's lives so that the one in need can just 'be'. We lift each other up, kick each other off pedestals we haven't earned and we verbally ass kick anyone who dares to do any of the above - only family has those kind of rights. We share our families with one another, so that despite our own lack of blood relatives, our family trees are sprawling and diverse and no one, and I mean no one puts the FUN in dysfunctional like we do.
I do have a few siblings. I am fiercely protective of their privacy. The one thing I will say about them is that they are all around ten yrs older than me and were long gone, kicked out of the house by the time I was 8. Their stories are their own. Not one of them happier than my own.
Now that I have said that, let me say this. My husband, my children, my extended/self selected family are the most beautiful creatures a girl could hand pick... and funnily enough, I did hand pick them! LOL ahhh, the silver lining of the unhappier bits. It is only in the past 48 months that I have reconnected with a few of my aunts and uncles. It has been a journey in courage and understanding, and a realization that the love I have in my own home is the only love my heart will ever need. Everything else is a bonus. I have no expectations in life, except that my home remains a safe, loving haven that is enriched by respect and unconditional love. My husband and I are best friends... I know, I know, gag... but it is sooo true. Our children are an obvious manifestation of that bond we have and they are the most grounded, secure little spirits.
I say with certainty that I paid my dues for this beautiful life I live, I paid those dues early, and for the love of my children and their continued bliss, I would repay those dues over and over again if that is the cost of breaking the cycle that I escaped.
All my peeps are constantly laughing at me because of my connection with Oprah. But we are connected I am telling you. She left home at 15 from an abusive childhood and home. I did the same at 14. No one thought she would make it. Likewise. She created her own family: Gayle, Bob, Jay, John, Jen, Stedman, Me too, Princess, Big City, The Writer etc... The Silver Fox.
We both are living our passions and spreading light and love into the world with the platforms we have... Oprah builds schools for girls in Africa, I bless and meditate over beads for women in Canada... see we are practically twins. LOL ;)
The one last thought of the day for you to ponder, which I heard a year or so ago, that I ABSOLUTELY love and wish I could say to ten different people everyday is a quote by my other main man... Dr. Phil. Who doesn't love this guy? I use his "... and how's that working for yah?" all the time. Anyway the one that I love that resonates with me that I think should be printed on our national currency is this one: " after the age of 36, you can't blame your parents anymore!"
How many adults do you know that are still hung up on their childhood. Snap out of it. Life's a choice. Choose, would yah!? LOL Seriously... we all know those people. I always say that there is ONE difference between a victim and a survivor... the way you tell your story. And on that note, quit telling the same old story that happened 25, 35, 45 years ago. You are a grown up, start taking responsibility for yourself... really.Really! Now that we have that clear. LOL
Anyway- that is enough honesty for one night. I had a root canal yesterday so speaking is a challange... if my bff's were around they would be high fiving one another chanting ' finally we can get a little peace around here'! Love at it's finest.
And finally, yes, a lotus grows from the crude mud and still it is a beautiful creation worthy of love and light. Sometimes muddy starts still have beautiful endings.
So on behalf of Oprah and I and our new found sister... :) thank you and good night.
I would like to dedicate this blog post to 'Mic'. "Sorry Mic." LOL
Love, Light & Laughter to you all,
Monday, January 31, 2011
And Then The Sun Came Out...
Yesterday was a full day. Full of emotion, gratitude and disbelief. When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining for the first time in over a week. A welcome taste of the spring that you could smell in air today. It was a great affirmation of the levity and promise that arrived yesterday morning on the cover of my other favorite sun, the 'Vancouver Sun' newspaper.
As the 'Silver Fox' was pouring me a cup of coffee,( he is a doll that way- always starts the day by making me coffee- am i spoiled or what?!) and he was also checking voice mail on his cell. He put the phone on speaker so we could both listen. It was one of dearest, dearest friends, Thomas Haas. (a celebrity in his own right- for being a Chocolate/Pastry Guru) Thomas was so elated for me and said that it was a nice way to begin his day by finding me on the cover of his morning paper.
I appreciated the call. It is touching to hear the people you love find joy in your own excitement and success. I had interpreted Thomas, 'cover' comment to mean on the cover of the section of paper he was reading at the time. I never thought that in the middle of the turmoil in Cairo (where my father in law was born) and considering that this weekend hosted the NHL- All Star Regatta, that somehow I my story would trump these.
It wasn't until I was on my way to a meeting with some of my business mentors did I stop by the local grocery store and pick up the paper. I was trying to be all casual as I picked up a paper or five, and made my way to the check out. I didn't bother looking at the cover, because it was inside that I was intrigued by. It wasn't until the gal that was ringing me through said "Hey,this isn't you is it?" I looked at her and pardoned myself, I didn't understand her question. "Here, on the front page. That is you!" I am not going to pretend to be anything but the dork I felt like in that moment. Oh my... gasp, I landed the f r e a k i n g cover! I then went completely red and began to blush. I was felt awkward and shy and immediately turned the paper over. Can you imagine? Anyone who knows me knows there is not a spotlight that has ever blinded me or that I could convince to follow me. I am not shy. I am not bashful and I do not blush. With a full day between me and that moment, I can say that it was a moment bigger than myself and I was in need of processing the moment and was unable to acknowledge it.
I got back in my car, called 'The Fox' and told him about the cover. He was as surprised as I was. I had a 15 minute drive to my meeting place. It took me that long to understand and process that this had actually happened for me. You have to understand that this little article on the cover meant something more meaningful than the exposure and success of my business. I will come back to that in bit...
The second call I made was to my girlfriend, Sue Messent. She is mentioned in the article and is the reason I am having even in the position right now.If it weren't for her like mindedness, that women should help and support other women, I would not be Oscar bound. I called her to thank her again and to pay my respect to her huge heart.
As I walked into the dining room at HCC where we were meeting, I was greeted with open arms and huge enthusiasm from my sweet publicist who was more elated than even I was. As our team of 7 all arrived and we hugged it out one at a time, we had fun with the fodder of reading the article and enjoying the moment of our excitement.
You know you are in good company when the people around you consider your success to be there own success. We sat and brunched and brainstormed ideas for one another. I have used this metaphor before, but the seven of us sitting around that table were like these amazing threads that together wove the most incredible tapestry. Everyone brings something different to the table and if even one of us were not present, the outcome would be less rich and far from complete. It is incredible to be part of a circle of women who are brilliant, powerful and at the top of the corporate ladders in their perspective fields. Giving the 'old boys club' a run for their money. LOVE IT! I would like to see one of those 'old boys' strap on a pair of 3 inch heels, a pinstripe pencil skirt suit and rock out a presentation the way these women do. These ladies have brains, elegance AND balls of steel. I LOVE it!
After the meeting I headed home and was greeted by the founding members of my fan club. We all had fun going through the paper and the kids loved to see Mommy in there. I had my phone off for the morning, and didn't even think to check my email or Facebook up until that point. (again, totally unlike me) I was so overwhelmed by the emails, the texts, the FB messages and comments. The twitter tweets were amazing and the Linkin messages were huge. I had more friend requests, website inquiries, blog hits and new jewelry orders than I could deal with in one sitting. My website hit over 1300 new visitors yesterday over double new visitors in a day than it had ever seen before. Wow. Just amazing. Totally humbling.
I still have not returned the phone calls or emails. I am still too overwhelmed to articulate my gratitude to everyone who has come out of the wood work to support me and to cheer me on. I am still feeling so humbled by all of this. I know there are other local women designers who are enjoying the same sort of Oscar excitement right now, and I am proud of them and excited to be sharing this parallel journey with them;however, I am still in awe that despite the similar journeys we are on, it was my publicist Gillian Behnke that orchestrated my story to the cover of the Vancouver Sun. Thank you Gillian. My heart is projecting light & love right into yours.
The interview itself translated into what I deem to be a great article. One of my bff's 'the writer' is a principal at She gave me critical advice prior to my interview and I followed it to the letter. She told me to pick three points you want to make and to stick to them, and convey them at all costs. So, I went into that interview with three key points that were important to me that I wanted the public to know.
1. I wanted to thank Sue Messent. If it weren't for her love and kindness I would not be living this moment in this way. I needed to convey that women helping women is a beautiful thing, and she embodies this beauty.
2. I wanted to make people aware that while this is a great business opportunity to be involved with the Oscars, you 'pay to play'. I had so many people asking how much I would be making off of this. It occurred to me that most people think that this is an honour that comes with a nice payday. I wanted to debunk the myth and to reveal the little man behind the curtain ala Wizard of Oz. No, no... you are the one who pays and if it is a worthy endevour then you make the educated business decision to invest accordingly.
3. I wanted to reveal why my jewelry is different than many other similar jewelry designers around. My jewelry stands apart because for one thing. I buy my materials in Canada. My jewelry is designed, created by hand in Canada, rather than being done so off shore. The key difference though is that I bless all of the stones I work with. I steep them in love and intention for the wearer to benefit from.
I was so grateful and relieved that the article began with thanking Sue in the first sentence, and closed with the fact that I meditate with the stones I work with. To me, that is huge beautiful value.
So in closing. Thank you all for the love & light. While I was busy living my best life, I forgot to dream this dream. I forgot to dream this part of the journey. I am just so glad that I woke up and took the reigns before this one got away from me.
love & light,
Sue Messent,
The Vancouver Sun
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I Lied... I Do Judge You...
Last week I met with my accountant to review a few protocols now that I am selling my jewelry internationally. I should say not only is ' My $ Man' just that, over the past decade he has become a great friend but also a trusted confident. I went in to see him and we began talking about some of the colourful neighbours he has. 'My $ Man' has his office in a slightly industrial area where there is a recycling depot not far from his office. It somehow came up that there were a lot of 'recyclers' ie: ' homeless' fellas around when I drove up. He launched into what a blessing they were to have around. I thought he was being sarcastic and that is when he explained the reality of the situation.
This area of town we were in is their 'hood'. They feel as much pride and ownership in their backyard as we do our own personal addresses. 'My $ Man' said that they park their business vehicles in the public access parking lot for weeks on end. Never a problem with anyone ever messing with them. In fact, their business park has an unusually low crime rate. No break ins. No vandalism. No one is ever harassed. In his ten years of working there no one, not one of those colourful locals has ever, ever, ever asked him for money.
Not only was I stunned, I was shamed. I assumed that those folks would have been a thorn in the neighbourhood's side. In fact, I was exactly wrong. I had exactly judged them, and judged them wrong. In fact, they are appreciated in that neighbourhood for being the security force. They protect the area and in turn the local businessmen/women, repay the thanks by bringing their domestic recycling to work and paying it forward to these guys.
It was such a lesson for me. How often do I go through my day claiming not to judge others, rather, it seems I may have masked my judgment in a cloak of assumption. I am not proud of this but I am grateful for 'My $ Man' and his candid and accurate portrayal of an unorthodox society that may not look like mine; however, functions the same way mine does, with consideration, respect and community.
I wonder what kind of assumptions people make about you and I? How are we judged for things that don't have any business being applied to us?
It reminds me again, to look EVERYONE in the eye and smile when I walk past them. Every spirit deserves to be acknowledged and appreciated regardless of their present situation.
If we are honest, how many of those local homeless people that we come across actually receive heartfelt smiles from people that are experiencing better fortune than themselves?
Join me, lets spread the love by giving them the respect of eye contact and a simple smile. Can you imagine what that ripple effect might translate into?
love & light to all,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
God Bless My Publicist...
I said it from the beginning that this media infused territory was uncharted waters to me. Exactly the reason I sought out the 'PR Guru'. From the get go Gillian told me to that there is an unspoken dance between 'us' & 'them'. There is an etiquette that needs to be followed in order for many, not all of the media types but definitely many that we have to follow or else the energy will go stagnant due to lack of ego stroking. This is where a PR Goddess comes in handy. I am so not savvy enough to know when to stroke ones ego and when to muffle a laugh that would deem inappropriate. Anyone who really knows me, knows I speak my truth and I own it. What I have to say is not always well received but more often than not, it needs to be said and I am usually right on the money. I recently had a reporter ask me what my greatest strength is and what my weakness is... I instantly replied that my greatest is strength is that I speak my truth at all times. I am a straight shooter. I told her that my greatest weakness was that I speak my truth at all times. I am a straight shooter. It's true. A lot of people would rather be fed B.S. It is just easier to handle sometimes. These are also the people that have a tendency to ask you how you are only to cut you off so that they can talk about themselves, never waiting to even hear your reply. Anyway, only a week and a half into this and Gill has already proven herself to be a beacon that keeps me on track and is a constant source of light and support. I just wish everyone had their own Gillian. She rocks.
Last week was the first photo shoot interview. It went quite well as I mentioned. The editor called Gillian back and said she wasn't pleased with the photographers pictures of the jewelry and wanted to send another photographer out for a re-shoot. When Gill gave the o.k., the reporter called me to set it up. She was going to be sending the new photographer solo and was hoping to do the shoot outside. The suggestion came that why don't we use Grouse Mountain. It's local, they have a great setting and so on. But wait, remember who we are dealing with here... it's me. It is my mission to bring my own beloveds along with me on this journey so of course I insisted we use the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It is the most magical, west coast beautiful, family owned and operated sanctuary that I know of and it just so happens that the family is actually personal friends of mine. I know I have mentioned this in a past blog, but the bridge is so exquisite I just cannot speak highly enough about it. I called the Cap Bridge got permission to bring cameras in and they were more than happy to host us.
I met the cameraman there. He had half a dozen different cameras strapped to him and we were off. It is funny how different these two cameramen we had dealt with were. The first one was click click click, and he got his shot. This other one was 'an artist'. He framed the shot several times, moved the jewelry on a rock by the water because the pearls reminded him of water droplets... at one point I remember saying to myself ' dude... the picture is of the jewelry, not a wilderness spread'! LOL He was serious about his craft and I totally appreciate that. I was unable to see many of the hundreds... yes hundreds of different shots he took, but a couple of them really were beautiful. Unfortunately he asked me to be in a few of them which... ugh... I was not in hair & make up and I just felt 'ughs' that day. Awe well, that's how it goes. You need to put all vanity behind you and just be confident in the fact that it is the jewelry that is meant to be beautiful... and as humbly as I can say it... it was.
The second photo shoot would not have happened if it hadn't been for my new friend ' Cookie'. I met her earlier this year at pick up and drop off. Somehow over the year she and I began to chat more and more. I don't know about anyone else, but in my world if I love yah, I love yah and it does not matter how long I have know you. This is the case with Cookie. The first time I heard her laugh, I loved her. She has that laugh that comes from deep within and it is authentic. 'Cookie' is one of those girls who is not caught up in superficial chit chat or trying to be one of the cool moms at pick up... you know the ones, all dressed up talking about where they get their nails done, what chic restaurant they dined at the night before, where they will be vacationing at over the next school break. Gag me. Anyway- Cookie is not one of them and that just made me love her more. The real seal on the deal was that my kids love her. Okay I am rambling, point is I love Cookie she is one of my new besties and she saved my ass the other day. I had 'The B. Man' at home with me the day I was called for the re shoot and no sooner did I think who can I ask to watch him for an hour or so, did the phone ring. It was 'Cookie' being her sweet self. I didn't even really acknowledge the sweet reason she was calling, rather, I cut her off and asked her if she could help out with my little guy. Of course she stepped up and was happy to do so. The only person more grateful than me was my 'The B. Man' he loves going to her house and hanging with her little ones. So thank 'Cookie' you are a keeper. Muah!
Some of you have emailed when will this last interview air... it will be published in Saturday Jan 29th's Vancouver Sun. You can see it all there. :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
20 Years Later... What Have You Been Up To?
There is an old saying, "Don't burn your bridges. You never know who you will meet again in the future." Don't I know it! In the past 6 weeks I have reunited with a few peeps I knew 20 yrs ago and hadn't seen since. The first one I will call 'Tres'. She and I have crossed paths a couple of times over the past decade; however, it wasn't until this past November that we really reconnected. I saw her at a mutual friend's house sale and we began chatting. After our quick catch up I invited her to join me at a annual house party I co-host with a few of my bff's here on the North Shore. I was happy to extend the invitation to a fellow woman/artist, entrepreneur. I love supporting everyone I know, but especially working women who are following their passion.
Since then she has done the same for me and supported me in ways I could have never imagined. She returned the favor tenfold when she suggested Buddha & The Raven be included in the Oscar gift bags. It was 'Tres' who opened the door for me and I am forever grateful. It will be 'Tres' and I who will take our goods to the Oscars together next year. She is presently working on a new website as she has just launched the most beautiful line of jewelry that I have seen in awhile. It is different than my own and different than anything else out there. She sources antique charms, keys, chains and such and rededicates them into new pieces of jewelry. Yes, there is some similar jewelry out there but NONE are actually recycled antiques. I am just so inspired by her and it is such an honour to pick up our friendship in a lovely and meaningful way.
The second blast from the past came in one of those moments when you want to crawl under a rock. I saw 'J' one day in October when I was picking up 'Miss.B' I literally walked past him and did a double take. I said hello right away, asked about his family and asked where he was living, and then realized by the look on his face, that he had no freaking idea who the hell I was. Granted I still have 40 extra baby pounds on me ( can you still call them baby pounds 4 yrs later? :) ) But still, not only did we hang out regularly for a while, he also dated my roommate... that is another story for another time. Anyway- since then we have realized that our children go to school together and he now lives part time in a town I used to live in and we know the same people there. Crazy. Anyway- I have since reminded him who I was (' j' is for jerk btw- in a loving way of course) and it is always nice to see him at pick-up. He really is great guy.
The Third just happened this week. I was on Facebook and had commented on my girlfriend's status. If you know FB you know that anytime you comment on someone's photo or status, it informs you when anyone does the same after you. This was the case, and when I saw the name I inquired on the post if it was the same ( I will call him '930') '930' from back when we both lived in Yaletown- before Yaletown was hip, rather, back when it was edgy and funky. Sure enough it was the same person. We soon 'friended' and got all caught up. It was so nice to hear that the past couple of decades have been mostly kind to him and that he still has his vibrant spirit that makes people love him. '930' was the roommate of a person I dated briefly... turns out the guy was a single scoop of vanilla and I was more like a banana split with extra whip... a little too wild for the poor guy. I feel for him. I am a lot to handle on a good day now, and just as much so back then. Anyway, in that time I had some great times with '930' he was a riot. It only makes perfect bizarre sense to discover that we now share a ton of friends in common. It is a wonder how our paths haven't crossed sooner. He lives in my neighbourhood practically! At any rate, here we are and I look forward to introducing '930' and his family to the 'Silver Fox' and our family. It is a small world.
I believe there is a cosmic shift happening right now because I know more people who are seriously happy, and are in the middle of great changes that have them excited and empowered. If you have been following my blog for any length of time you know that there is nothing I love more than seeing my beloveds living an inspired life. I know I have experienced a cosmic shift- you all know how incredible the past few weeks have been. It really feels like the stars have aligned. For some reason this trinity from 20 yrs ago has resurfaced and I am interested to wait and see how and why now?
Stay tuned...
Love & Light,
What Have You Been Up To In The Past 20 Years?
There is an old saying, " Don't burn your bridges. You never know what and who your future holds." How true, how true. It is very interesting to me, how in the past 6 weeks I have had 3 people that were in my 'circle', 20 years ago, show up again. Bizarre? Yes. Welcomed? Yes. Cosmic?
The first one we'll call her "Tres " and I have crossed paths a couple of times in the past ten years, but this past November we saw each other at a house sale a mutual friend of hours was hosting. It was there that I invited her to join me and a few of my other friends at a house sale that we organize. 'Tres Love' and
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I returned from the island with my heart filled and my mind rested. I have found a new seaside sanctuary that will surely be in heavy rotation of my favorite retreats. I came home after 2 days of loving my 'Ya-Ya's' but missing my babes and the 'Silver Fox'. You know you have a sweet life when are excited to go home.
Monday was a day of preparation for Tuesday's initial onslaught of media and such. The day started at 5am. Shower, coffee, coffee, and coffee. Make up artist extraordinaire, Ariell P. arrived at 6:20am and by 6:21am I was in the chair getting an overhaul as this goddess worked her magic. By 9:20am I was at our showroom being interviewed and filmed by a team from the Vancouver Sun Media crew. I have no problem public speaking or having my photograph taken, but apparently a t.v. camera is an entirely different story. No sooner did I get the green light, I got dry mouth. I have never experienced that sensation. I couldn't get a word out. Good grief... what an amateur.
I had to excuse my self to get a drink. If I had known how many different takes it was going to take them, I would have gone to bed earlier! We needed better light, better angles, better backdrop, better sequence, better, better and better. You know that feeling when you have smiled so much that your teeth and gums get dry... yah, that was me after the first twenty minutes. Let's just say I am not excited to see those photos... ah well, vanity is not an endearing quality anyway.
The interview itself was fine. The reporter was lovely and seemed genuinely interested in my story. I had received great advice from a few of my peeps who are used to being interviewed or rather, interviewing people. My one friend 'The Writer' who has interviewed all sorts of people in her career, including Donald Trump, told me to pick three points and deliver them within your answers. Easily said, challenging to accomplish. My other friend ' The Rock Star' gave me tips to make for a better on camera experience. Ignore the camera, be myself, don't be over animated... All of these things were on my mind as I dove into my first on camera interview in a long time . The interview lasted just over an hour from start to finish. I was grateful for the experience but also grateful when it was over. This girl was rusty!
No sooner was the interviewer gone, did my new employee 'V', show up. Yes, I have hired my first employee at Buddha & The Raven. I spent the next hour training 'V' on how to assemble a particular piece of jewelry for me. The 'control freak' in me had a difficult time making the decision to hire someone. To actually hand over the reigns to my creations was an exercise in trust and a way to venture into the land of vulnerability without being exactly vulnerable. It's hard to explain but it really feels like I am trusting someone else with something very dear to me which is extremely fragile. There a dozen metaphors I could relate it to, but whatever... I pulled up my big girl panties and just did it. LOL Now, let me be clear, the major assembly, the boring laborious part is what I have asked her to do,(I know, what a jerk I am) I have not instructed her on how to finish the finer details, I will do that. I will finish every piece that I am ever donating, mailing, giving and selling. If my name is on it, I need to do that for myself. I also will always design every piece personally, and I will just have to accept the support from her and whatever future staff that support me. A very wise business person recently said to me, " You need to work ON your business, while others work IN your business." It takes me back to the point I made a few blogs ago. I need to do what I am good at and allow others to do the same. So I gave 'V' a non-compete contract to sign, her materials and a time line and set her up and off on her way.
No sooner did she leave did one of my favorite photographers arrive. I hired Carrie Marshall, - to come and and work her own magic and to photograph my head shots for me. I have needed them done for sometime now, but in light of the fact that my main press release is being sent out on Tuesday I was prompted to get 'er done. I briefly saw a few of the images Carrie captured yesterday. I was blown away how unlike me they appeared, but also how totally me and casual and candid they truly were. I know for certain that which ever photo I use will be usable thanks to Ariell & Carrie.
After our photo shoot I took Carrie over to Thomas Haas' for a java and one of their amazing sandwiches. (and chocolate of course) I bid Carrie farewell from there and headed into the back where the chocolate is created. I found Thomas and his better half Lisa back there creating and coordinating Valentine's Day creations. All I can say is that my dear, dear friends have master minded an amazing array of offerings and I encourage you all to head over there to get some treats for your beloveds for February 14th. I will have a selection of my custom stationary there for your convenience. Grab you chocolate and a card in the perfect one stop shop .
I returned back to 'The Mama' just in time to pick up my precious babes from school, which really is the highlight of my day. No matter what I do, or who am, being a Mama to these two beauties and a wife to the 'Silver Fox' is by far my favorite roles to date.
Now I need to run off to another photo shoot at Capilano Suspension Bridge. My dear friend 'C' and her husband and his family own the bridge. They are so incredibly generous with all of their neighbours all year long that I was only elated to be able to use their location so that they may get a little press too. Like I said, the more I can share this spotlight, the more joy I find in the journey.
I will tell you how it goes later.
Love & Light,
Saturday, January 15, 2011
There Is Nothing More Excited Than A Baby!
Okay, so I have left the family and am inbound to some of my girls. Although I am so excited to
see some of my bff's, i am feeling immense guilt at this moment. I have been so busy with the
obvious distractions I have had this week I feel like I have neglected my house wifely duties and
now am abandoning my family. I am not of course, it just sure feels like it as the ship leaves the
harbour at this moment. I am wishing I had accomplished more around the house this week. My excitement
came at the cost of my housekeeping, laundry and get ready for it... putting away some of my
xmas decorations. Now normally it would not take someone more than a day to dismantle their
xmas decor;however, I am not normal. Ask anyone who knows me... I am am anything but
normal. :) My love for decorating my log house in Christmas gear is also anything but normal and I am okay with it. I
have some serious decorations and I love every single globe, bobble and swag. I do not however
love that it is still in a pile in the great room waiting for next December to roll around. Dear sweet husband of mine, thank you for your
patience with your preoccupied wife. Dear sweet children of mine, thank you for being so patient and well behaved for your mama. Dear
sweet friend Marnie of mine, thank you for not unfriending me for not returning your sweet phone
calls this week. You deserve an honourable mention for being my constant and true sounding
board who forgives my peaks and valleys of communication. I honestly haven't talked to anyone
other than those who are helping me navigate through these open waters. Speaking of open
waters. I love riding the B.C. Ferries... I know, I know, I am the only one. I do though. I love
hiding up on the outer deck upstairs, and perching myself in a corner protected form the wind. The
wind is beautiful as it whips around but it is the view of the coastline that nourishes me and truly is quenching to my spirit. It
doesn't matter how many times I have traveled this route, it takes my breath away every time. I
went to pick up 'Miss.B.' from school today and a few of the moms I have befriended that are in
the know of what has been go on this on this week were all there and they are all so supportive
and really are like my little own cheer leading squad. They asked me what I was up to this weekend
and I told them that I was going to visit a dear friend who is expecting her first child. I couldn't
stop talking about how excited I am to see her and the baby and becoming an 'aunty' again.
Where a couple of them wanted more E.T. details, I just wanted to gloat about our new baby on
the way. One of the moms commented that I seem more excited about this baby that isn't even
mine, than the E.T. news that is mine. It is absolutely true. I am excited about this E.T. interview
and all of the other fun stuff that is coming down the line but a baby is real and forever, media
creates illusions that are fleeting. Yes, it's all fun but I am very aware that is fun and not
meaningful in real life. Real life is tangible and about relationships and babies. I am keeping my feet
firmly on the ground in this whirlwind of fun and excitement. (I have to just say- the Chief Stewart
just came over the loud speakers to announce that the hockey game has just finished the second
period and the Canucks are leading 3-1! You know when you are in Canada when...) I am
appreciative of all of these opportunities, and I am well aware of the kind of success these sorts
of connections can lead to and for these reasons these interviews and media coverage are very
real and very meaningful; that said, a baby trumps every other celebratory event as far as I am
concerned, especially when it is this baby. This one is extra special. Now, and to acknowledge the
way this baby ties into Buddha & The Raven... it has been this baby that has inspired me to create
a bonified children's line. I created a few small bracelets for this past holiday season, it was really
just a few and I made them to see if the product would actually fly. I am going to create a Spring
2011 line and I am absolutely going to create a baby/toddler/children's series of little bracelets.
Whoever this little spirit who is on their way here, they are going to be the namesake of my future
children's line. I am sure I will have to pay the mama royalties for life. ;)
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