
Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's Oscars Night!

It was January 3rd when I returned home from our xmas holidays. I had big plans to get organized in my home and mind and to continue on the path of our incredibly family focused journey that 2010 had created. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans. Within four days of returning home, the Red Carpet email came in and it has been the focus of my everyday since. The past 8 weeks has been the wildest ride I have taken in a long time. It has proven to be an incredible week on so many levels. It is amazing how defined time can feel when you have a deadline. I have a very vivid time line of happenings of the past month and a half. Being invited to have my jewelry included in the Oscar Gift Bags was absolutely a highlight in my career. I explained it to a friend that it was like I had arrived or that I was finally legit when people asked me what I do ( which i still think is the lamest question ever... i am not what i do- and i feel so sorry for those who actually believe that the letters behind their name give them anymore credibility as a decent person than those without) and I reply that I am a jewelry designer. Really, I am actually an artist first and jewelry is just my most successful medium. I am so grateful for the amazing opportunity that has found me. I have put every effort in maximizing every aspect of the benefits that can be derived from this situation. I have aligned myself with the PR GURU that has worked with me as a partner and together we have landed some incredible media coverage. This month I have been seen and heard on Global Morning News, Global Noon News, The Express, eTALK, Entertainment Tonight Canada, I was on the Cover of the Vancouver Sun, I was in The Edmonton Journal, The Ottawa Citizen, The Windsor Star, The Phoenix Star, 24 hrs, The North Shore News, The North Shore Outlook, The Mike Bullard radio show, News 1130, QMFM with Mike & Tara which will air tomorrow, and more local print that will come out in the next few weeks. It has been an incredibly humbling compliment to have been invited to be featured on all of those different media outlets. Every experience was amazing and I have learned a great deal. I mean quite honestly, to land the cover of the Vancouver Sun is quite an accomplishment. Even the 'Silver Fox' was a bit confused by it... he looked at the cover and his first words were..." How did you get a bigger picture on the cover than the Sedins? lol Seriously... so funny. The next round of media will be in the bigger magazines. I was contacted by the company that is presenting the Oscar Gift Bags and they informed me that their press release has gone out to all of the media/ magazines with photos and names of the gift bags and the contributors. So keep your eyes posted while you are perusing through the magazines in the next couple of weeks and watch for the gift bag and watch for the lariat on all of those lovely starlets! Let me know if you see anything! Beyond working really hard to prepare all of the jewels for the Oscars I have also seen some real life action. In one week I had 2 sick babes, 1 traveling husband, a root canal, a clogged toilet (thanks B.Man) , a sick dog, and of course the rest of life's dailies. It was full on and in the midst of all of it all I was watching my email stack up with dozens of orders from across the country. It was a range of emotion that only continued to seek extremes when the next week a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer that has taken over her body. The week after that, last week I had one of my closest bff's get caught in downtown Christchurch where the earthquake hit. She actually watched the spire on the church collapse. So if you want to talk about polar opposite emotions... as I was watching my Entertainment Tonight interview I was also texting with my friends trying to source the latest information on our bff and her journey back to Canada. ( Thank God she is home safe and sound!) Although I try really hard to live in the moment I have actually been waiting for today to arrive for 8 weeks. I feel this huge relief. The work is done. The celebs have my work. The blessings I have bestowed are working their charm just by being in their possession. Now I need to trust that the love I have put into each piece will find its way to the person who needs it most. Tonight the Oscars will air. I had big plans for a red carpet affair for tonight but alas I am home with two sick babes who just need to have Mama envelope them in the warm mama love that seems to make feeling ill just a little more tolerable. No matter what I am or what I do, I am a Mama first and nothing I do could ever be more important than making these two little spirits feel loved and cared for. While some will be sipping Champagne tonight and donning their finest silks, I will be sipping left over chicken noodle soup that I will make for the kids tonight and that Champagne will be replaced with decaf Earl Grey tea. That is my speed and I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to call these sweet spirits mine to nurture and to love. There is no other award greater or more valuable to me than having the honour of hearing them say to me "Mama, how come you love us so much?" Those words affirm that I am doing a great job by doing what I truly love most. I love to love my family. That said, eyes peeled for the lariats! ;) love & light, t.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Watch Entertainment Tonight... TONIGHT!

Tonight we will be featured on Entertainment Tonight Canada! If you missed our segment on eTalk lastnight you can catch it again today at noon! Good Times!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We are on ETALK Right Now!

For those interested: We are on ETALK right now on the eastern feed Channel 88. I missed our local airing, but if you have a the eastern feed you can catch us. We are on in the last 10 minutes of the show. You can see us around 10 to 9pm. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Stars Are Aligned, We All Get To Live Our Passion.

I find it so interesting that even at the most hectic of times, a fresh snowfall can quiet even the wildest chaos. Waking up to the sound of a (almost) four year old's squeal that it is snowing outside may be the sweetest sound ever. It is the epitome of childhood bliss and anything that brings my children bliss, and my children's elation, is the foundation of my own bliss. I write today with mixed emotions. I am still amazed by what the past six weeks have brought to fruition. I have the Oscars excitement that is still alive and electric running through me. I have been approached by many amazing women who have unexpectedly reached out to offer support to me and my work. I have my amazing friend 'Di' who just had her documentary "Abandon Ship: The sinking of The Concordia" debut on the CBC. It is worth mentioning that her daughter was on that vessel when it sank so her accounting of the event is particularly raw & accurate. To watch this documentary it is evident that 'Di' is living her passion. My other friend 'Care' is following her passion and in the midst of realizing her own dream which I am blessed to be in the inner circle of development in that I am privileged to be a sounding board and a spiritual & creative support to her in this time of her beautiful manifestation. She is living her passion. I recently received an email from one of our s local sirens. I'll call her 'Bif' ;). She was so gracious and generous with her light and love when she reached out to me. She has indeed been a welcome and like minded supporter of women living their passion. 'Bif' is an icon for women aspiring to live their passion because she has long been living her passion. Moments ago I received another email from a fellow jewelry designer who I respect very much. I will refer to her as 'Sugar'. We have been sharing a lot of press these past few weeks and as I have said to her, it is a huge compliment to be in her company- and an inspiration to me as she too is living her passion. A moment ago I opened an email from one of my all time favorite Collingwood students. FYI- anyone who works with children and claims that we don't have favorites...they full of it! That is just a big ole' lie! Those little lovelies work their way into your heart and the space they've claimed only continues to grow and we, continue to grow more fond of them as the years go on. I will refer to this particular little heart stealer as 'CG'. Here is a perfect example of the next generation of amazing women living their passion. 'CG' was one of those students who had supportive parents, great friends, teachers who love her, and whose beauty is immense and shines from the inside out. 'CG' has always held a special place in my heart for all of the above reasons but she won my highest respect when she made an incredibly difficult decision when it came to deciding on which university to attend. Where her family all attended one University, and the hope was that 'CG' would follow suit and many of her other bff's chose another school to attend, 'CG' listened to her heart, followed her passion and was accepted to an incredible university overseas. It takes huge courage and passion to follow your own inner voice at such a tender age. Alas, 'CG' has the personal insight that I wish for my 'Miss. B' when she arrives at that age. 'CG' inspires me and she is listening to and living her passion. And now, here comes the mixed emotion... I also have a friend who I will call 'Em'. Em is the mother we all wish we had. To watch her parent her children you know she was born to be a Mama. She is the queen of play dates. The champion chef for feeding her family healthy, whole, organic foods. Her playroom is every kid's fantasy and her backyard a family mecca. Her world is obviously her family and her family shines for it. Today is 'Em's birthday. Where you might expect her to be spending her day filled with lunch with the girls, flowers, candy, balloons, big laughs, wine, dinner out... just a laid back, fun kind of day. I could see how you would expect that. Rather, she gets to receive her first radiation treatment today. There is no fun involved there. There is fear and anxiety and a deep hope for a miracle. Where the cancer has claimed her body, I am here to say I claim her body too. I knew 'Em' first and I am here to ask all of you to send her light & love and healing energy. She deserves to be healthy and her children, our children, we all deserve to be apart of the love she has to give. I believe if the stars are really aligned then 'Em's fight is really our fight and together we can be part of the story that ends with the sentence... " and that is how they turned the table and how THEY fucked cancer over!" 'Em' deserves to continue to live her passion, but more than anything she deserves to live. Love & Light and a big ole FUCK YOU CANCER..NOT THIS TIME...! ;) t.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


On a morning like today when my family wakes up to the sound of birds singing in the forest behind our log home, accompanied by the sweet smell of the warm air and the sight of trees coming back to life- it is hard not to appreciate all that we have. I cannot begin this blog post any other way than to give thanks that Egypt has been heard and their president has stepped down. My father(in-law) was born in Egypt, and it was only a couple of years ago that he and his 'The Silver Fox's Mama returned there again for another visit, one last visit. Their pictures were amazing. I cannot help but be so heart broken for the pain and destruction that has occurred, but also so grateful that our immediate family is here, safe, together and whole. Godspeed to those in Cairo and to those with loved ones there. It is hard to think of anything more than the real issues of our day to day life. I had friend tell me yesterday that he has to fly to Bangkok today- as his father passed suddenly of a heart attack. My heart broke for him as he explained the situation to me, yet he himself was so strong and so stoic, it was a such a fantastic reminder that attitude and spirit are everything. My heart is with he and his beautiful wife and family. Now on to seemingly superficial excitement... I am going to be on Entertainment Tonight next week. I am very excited about it for sure. It is just hard to separate world chaos and a television show. I am very excited to be appearing on a show I love to watch. The opportunities that are attached to such an honour are overwhelming. So far, of all the media I have been working with, this is the one I am most excited about. I love that I will be sharing the segment with Karen Buder of Sugarlime Jewelry. I am not sure how she feels about it, but I do feel very excited anytime women are acknowledged. This past week has been monumental. I have been dealing with exciting stuff, and real stuff. I was on the cover of both local newspapers, I have had a family with the flu, recovering from a root canal, having to unclog a toilet (thank you 'B-Man' for shoving a compact down there) I filled the Thomas Haas order I had for custom Valentine's Day cards. They are now there and available for purchase. Yesterday was amazing, I shipped off my Oscar Jewels and they are on route. Relieved, honoured, humbled and amazed are a few of the emotions that came within the tidal wave of emotions that through me all over the tissue map yesterday. It has been a long month full of amazing moments, and my family has been amazing. My friends have championed my every success and I have been stunned by the response of strangers. I have tried to share this spot light with as many different women as I can. I have tried very hard to pay these opportunities I have been given, forward and I have learned a great deal about how guarded some people are about sharing success. It has been so interesting, and a lesson in trying to respect a behavior I do not understand. Prior to this Oscars excitement, I began this year with a commitment to get my whole self organized. My body, mind & spirit. My home, my routines, my systems. I knew this year was going to be a TSN Turning Point in my life, I just didn't for see how that was going to manifest. Now that I have a clue, I need to return to my mission and I have had the 'Aha' moment. I can't do it by myself. I need help. So I have enlisted a professional to help me. We all have our strengths and I have acknowledged that being an organized person is not mine. 2011 is the year that I find balance, simplicity and that I accept that my imperfections are a gift that allows me to better myself. Someone recently reminded me of one of my favorite quotes that has been quite obvious to me in the past month: "When you do what you love, the universe will rise up to meet you." - Oprah Love & Light, t.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Lotus Grows In The Mud...

What a week it has been. I have had the pleasure of meeting with many reporters, signing off on images, being contacted by future clients, old friends and all the while, creating jewelry steeped in heart warming intention. I know many of you saw the cover of the Vancouver Sun. I am still in awe of the honour and deeply touched by the out pouring of love and well wishes by so many. I cannot articulate how much I appreciate the warm sentiments from loved ones and strangers alike. Thank you seems less than the gratitude I hope to convey. Yesterday morning I was invited to share a seat on the couch at Global T.V. with News Anchor Steve Darling. Where I had been warned that many anchors are dismissive and will not engage you unless the cameras are hot, Steve lived up to his name. He was so warm and welcoming. He was authentic and made me feel very comfortable. Mark Madryga was very animated also. On a side note, the week after I was married to 'The Silver Fox', I was walking around in Kits with my sweet friend 'Al' and she and I were walking up to Mark who was about to do a segment on the weather. Long and short of it, I walked up to him and told him that I am a newlywed and I wanted to show my new bling of a wedding ring to the world. He fit me into his segment and alas, I come the the long winded review of how I first encountered Mark M. Anyway, as I was saying, Mark was also engaging and Arran Henn the lovely traffic reporter was equally warm and hospitable. I dare to say that Global T.V has the most charming reporters I have dealt with so far. Knowing that I would be doing interviews, a few weeks ago I made my way to the Vancouver Island to do a little shopping at my number one, absolutely, hands down favorite clothing store. If you have not been there, you must go. If you live on the island, you already know what a haven it is, and for those of you who go into Nanaimo or need a one stop fashion go-to this is it! SARTORIAL- 295 Wallace Street. No, I am not getting kick backs. No, I am not related to the owner. No, I don't get discounts for referring people to her. What I do get, is the thrill to know that all of my beloveds are getting the same kick ass service I do when I go there. Here is what I do know about Sartorial. If I owned a shop, it would be this shop. It is the size of the amazing walk-in closet that Carrie Bradshaw has in her and 'Big's' new Upper Eastside apartment in the first SATC movie. It is large enough to host a party with you and your bff's but quaint enough that it feels exclusive and elegant. The wallpaper, the front door, the location, all of it feels like someone has created this little oasis and the only way to get in is to know somebody who knows somebody. I love it. Now the gal who owns it who you will usually find there... her name is Tashe. Not Tasha. Not Natasha. Tashe. Simple, strong, straight to the point and very fashionable. This girl suits her name and her store is a clear reflection of her business and buying sense. You see, Tashe, knows her inventory and she knows her body types. She can look out you with her peripheral vision alone and pull out the exact pieces that are going to compliment your curves for you, or rather, create the illusion of curves for those less fortunate 'skinny types'. We all have our crosses to bear... :) lol So, yes going to Sartorial you get free with entry, the expertise of a humble but talented personal stylist named Tashe. You get the most unique and beautiful collections of clothing to choose from. AND, get ready for it... her prices are not ridiculous. They are absolutely no more or less than the industry standard. Hence, I find taking a ferry to the island good value for a personal shopping experience. The other fun fact is that the lines she carries are also the brands that we see some of our favorite celebs wearing. If you friend her on Facebook you will get her fashion updates which are amazing. If you do sign up- write on the wall that you read about her on my blog. For that matter, follow my Buddha & The Raven Page and I will collect the names of those who mention this blog entry and I will put all the names into a hat and on March 15th I will pull a name and whoever that is will receive one of my Oscar Bound Lariats. Tell your friends. But you have to follow Sartorial & Buddha & The Raven and mention this blog on both walls. The piece I will be drawing for is valued at $120.00. You can only have your name entered once. Okay- so the point of telling you about Sartorial was to mention that everything I have worn in my interviews and in photos and on T.V. has been from Sartorial. Hand picked for me by Tashe. I have received so many compliments. One of the more exciting moments I had about my latest purchases was that one of the pieces that Tashe deemed was a must have on me, was this black little number that was cute and flattering but more important to me was that it was uber-comfortable. Crazy comfy. Anyway- I was watching Oprah the other day and sure enough one of her must haves for the spring was from Fluxus, which is the brand Tashe insisted I buy! Well, if Tashe and Oprah tell me it's a must have... then it is a must freakin' have! Hollah! lol Oprah, I heart Oprah. I learned a very valuable lesson from 'my sista from anutha mista' this past week. I was watching when she revealed that she and her family wanted to share some personal news, their way and on their terms. I took note and am about to do the same. I recently was interviewed by Justin Beddall. He is the Editor of the North Shore Outlook, and by far the most talented reporter I have come across yet. He is kind and polite. He has a warmth that makes you trust him, and he has integrity. I was interviewed by Justin earlier this week and the article comes out in tomorrows paper. Look for it! Anyway- in the process of our interview, I felt safe enough to disclose some personal details about where I have come from. Not super detailed, but super personal. Here is where his integrity outshines his warmth... he called me back yesterday and wanted to double check that I was still feeling good about sharing so much. I couldn't believe my ears. In a time where scandal and dirt sell papers, he wanted to know if I was still comfortable with opening myself up to becoming a bit more vulnerable. Hats off to this man. I just cannot speak highly enough to this gesture of humanism. Kudos. ( I did say to run with it) I just want to acknowledge what was said and how it came up. Basically, Justin asked me if I was proud of this latest accomplishment involving the Oscars. He asked if I had dreamed this dream since childhood and what had I wanted to be when I grew up. I told Justin that I never had those dreams as a child. My dreams were about surviving and about moving far, far away from my then home life, and all those within. Without getting into sordid details and creating drama where the drama has long been over, what I will say is that no I didn't enjoy the carefree childhood my children and their friends do today. I still catch myself stunned when they are playing with imaginary unicorns and having tea parties where I, me, a mommy am invited AND graciously accept and together we eat crumpets and design jewelry together! Rather, my childhood ended before it really began. My happiest childhood memories are the ones that my husband and I have given to our children. Do I have a mom & dad that support me and love me, who I get to share these success... Yes! They are my husband's parents who have loved me unconditionally in a whole, and beautiful way since the day they met me. Do I bring any grandparents to the table for my own children? No. I have not had a relationship with my bio/mother since I was 19 yrs old. I left home at 14 when I knew that I was emotionally, physically, spiritually, totally safer on my own than staying where I was. I gave it five years for her to do right by me, and that day never came and as a result the early years in my life were a struggle. I went to school with kids that knew a strong foundation at home. None of them could figure out what was different about me, not until the day I finally came to school with bruises on me that were actually visible and not hidden by my clothing. Save your pity. Really, it is misplaced with me. Please... To know me is to know that working two jobs, finishing school and having to muster all of the strength and courage I could at 14 yrs old was what got me to this place now. I am loved. I am strong. I have what few of you might have... I have 'Princess', 'Big City', 'Bean', 'The Writer', 'The Marnster' Lil' g', 'Rox' ' & a few other treasures. I have these sisters who I love, and I love to hate in a good way. The point is... sounds like a family huh? We can throw down some good one liners at one another but when real life is happening- we show up. A baby, a funeral, a dream lost, a dream realized... we are on each other's door steps. Food in hand, to- do lists, husbands in tow with jobs to do, we take over each other's lives so that the one in need can just 'be'. We lift each other up, kick each other off pedestals we haven't earned and we verbally ass kick anyone who dares to do any of the above - only family has those kind of rights. We share our families with one another, so that despite our own lack of blood relatives, our family trees are sprawling and diverse and no one, and I mean no one puts the FUN in dysfunctional like we do. I do have a few siblings. I am fiercely protective of their privacy. The one thing I will say about them is that they are all around ten yrs older than me and were long gone, kicked out of the house by the time I was 8. Their stories are their own. Not one of them happier than my own. Now that I have said that, let me say this. My husband, my children, my extended/self selected family are the most beautiful creatures a girl could hand pick... and funnily enough, I did hand pick them! LOL ahhh, the silver lining of the unhappier bits. It is only in the past 48 months that I have reconnected with a few of my aunts and uncles. It has been a journey in courage and understanding, and a realization that the love I have in my own home is the only love my heart will ever need. Everything else is a bonus. I have no expectations in life, except that my home remains a safe, loving haven that is enriched by respect and unconditional love. My husband and I are best friends... I know, I know, gag... but it is sooo true. Our children are an obvious manifestation of that bond we have and they are the most grounded, secure little spirits. I say with certainty that I paid my dues for this beautiful life I live, I paid those dues early, and for the love of my children and their continued bliss, I would repay those dues over and over again if that is the cost of breaking the cycle that I escaped. All my peeps are constantly laughing at me because of my connection with Oprah. But we are connected I am telling you. She left home at 15 from an abusive childhood and home. I did the same at 14. No one thought she would make it. Likewise. She created her own family: Gayle, Bob, Jay, John, Jen, Stedman, Me too, Princess, Big City, The Writer etc... The Silver Fox. We both are living our passions and spreading light and love into the world with the platforms we have... Oprah builds schools for girls in Africa, I bless and meditate over beads for women in Canada... see we are practically twins. LOL ;) The one last thought of the day for you to ponder, which I heard a year or so ago, that I ABSOLUTELY love and wish I could say to ten different people everyday is a quote by my other main man... Dr. Phil. Who doesn't love this guy? I use his "... and how's that working for yah?" all the time. Anyway the one that I love that resonates with me that I think should be printed on our national currency is this one: " after the age of 36, you can't blame your parents anymore!" How many adults do you know that are still hung up on their childhood. Snap out of it. Life's a choice. Choose, would yah!? LOL Seriously... we all know those people. I always say that there is ONE difference between a victim and a survivor... the way you tell your story. And on that note, quit telling the same old story that happened 25, 35, 45 years ago. You are a grown up, start taking responsibility for yourself... really.Really! Now that we have that clear. LOL Anyway- that is enough honesty for one night. I had a root canal yesterday so speaking is a challange... if my bff's were around they would be high fiving one another chanting ' finally we can get a little peace around here'! Love at it's finest. And finally, yes, a lotus grows from the crude mud and still it is a beautiful creation worthy of love and light. Sometimes muddy starts still have beautiful endings. So on behalf of Oprah and I and our new found sister... :) thank you and good night. I would like to dedicate this blog post to 'Mic'. "Sorry Mic." LOL Love, Light & Laughter to you all, t.