
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kindness Is Contagious.

The human spirit is a beautiful thing. Where I was expecting to go into great detail of the amazing opportunities that have come my way in the past 24 hours, after sitting down and meditating today (I practice T.M.) it dawned on me that the real story worth sharing tonight is the experience I have had witnessing first hand, the capacity of beauty our human spirit is capable of bestowing upon one another, friend to friend, stranger to stranger and watching strangers transform into friends. It is not that I wasn't aware that what goes around comes around, and what you reap you sow; however, watching how completely contagious a gesture of kindness is and how widespread and immediate it's ripple effect is has left me speechless.
For as exciting as it has been to have this week's incredible Academy Awards opportunity and the many other doors open up for me as a result, I think it is important, at least for myself to stop and absorb the fact that I now know for certain that showing love and kindness to a single person that crosses your path in any given day will affect hundreds of people. In a society where we are constantly bombarded with negativity in news reports about what some unsavoury people are doing to one another and to innocent bystanders,it is comforting to know that each of us can offer an action that can work towards balancing that negative energy.
Now,I know some of you have been pestering me today to share some details on the latest happenings for Buddha & The Raven.For those of you who are interested in hearing about it, I will quickly say that Tuesday morning I am meeting a report & her team of photographer, videographer and lighting peeps at our showroom for my first on camera interview. I am really excited about it, and really a bit nervous. The fun part of this is that because of the on camera work that is on the horizon, I have been in touch with the amazing Vancouver make-up artist Ariell Paterson, whose work is absolutely phenomenal. I have seen her work on models, brides, and everyday people like me. I have had the pleasure of working with her personally and am always thoroughly impressed with her talent and professionalism. My past experiences working with Ariell has given me great confidence in her and I feel like I am doing all of you a favour by even telling you about her.It kind of feels like telling someone the name of your favorite babysitter...all of you moms out there know how taboo that never tell someone about a great babysitter otherwise they get too popular and are never available for you when you need them! In this case I feel good about referring Ariell to anyone that has an occasion when they just want to look their best and need a little help.Just don't say I've never done anything for you! ;)
And now am thrilled to say I am taking the next few days to step away from all of this excitement... this girl needs to take a deep breath and process what the next several weeks are going to entail. I am off to hunker down with 'Big City', 'The Princess' and 'The Bean' and a couple of other bff's for some good ole' girl time. I have to laugh though... it doesn't seem like that long ago that when we would get together we would dine out, maybe go dancing, at worst host a party and get our 'wine' on that would inevitably turn into all of us girls singing Lady Gaga into our thumbs and dancing in our p.j's.( okay pretend you don't do that with your friends...don't judge!) LOL ... but these past few years our ideal of good quality girl time looks more and more like an episode of the Golden Girls! We keep the circle tight, we all cook together and although there might be some wine involved, without fail the evening ends before 11pm and usually with a cup of tea while we are all sit around in our flannel jammies, no make up on with half assed ponytails on our head. I am laughing out loud right now because you know you are amongst your 'besties' when the thought of a cuppa tea and flannel equates one of my favorite things to do. Getting your 'evening ugly' on and feeling comfortable in the presence of someone other than your husband is just one of the best feelings ever.
The only thing better than some girl time is having a loving, supportive husband who creates the opportunity for me to sneak away and to make this happen. The 'Silver Fox' is such a star that way and he loves having one on one time with 'Miss. B.' and 'The B. Man'. As I begin to feel pangs of guilt in leaving them for a day or two I have to remind myself that it is also giving them a gift by allowing them to find their own rhythm together without the mama bear in me always being in the mix... we all need balance. Balance is good. Balance is good.
B a l a n c e i s g o o d .
love & light,

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