This is a wonderful feeling to sit down and to inform you that with nearly a year of chemotherapy under his belt, my amazing, superhero of a nephew has just been given the two thumbs up and a positive report that his now 15 year old body is 100% cancer free.
It has been a long road and a tiresome journey. There is all sorts of healing left to do. Our family is worn in a hundred different ways, but we are alive and well and able to look back and say that our young hero, did it!
Sean has shown us what true courage is. He has proven to all of us that where there is hope there is chance and where there are prayers there are miracles.
Life is so precious and so fragile. Please embrace your life and your loved ones with unabashed passion. Protect each other with a fierceness greater than you know, and remember that when we sweat the small stuff, we do a disservice to that which is really important in the world... love, health and each other.
Sending love to all of you who have prayed for our family throughout this ordeal. Thank you and may the bright light of blessings that you have sent our way, come back to find you.
love & light,
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