Recently I was having coffee with a friend when the topic of my upcoming birthday came up.
I am one of the few people I know who is actually excited to welcome their 40th birthday.
Although I am eager to welcome this next chapter in my life, I have come to realize that the
real celebration that will arrive on my birthday will be that of my 39th year, completed.
I have to say that 39 was the most remarkable year of my life to date. I learned more
about myself and life, than all of my other years combined. It was not an easy year per sé,
but it was a personally rewarding year. It covered the emotional spectrum, and it brought
with it a load of learning that I was not seeking. It was as though for the first time ever,
all of life's pieces fell into line and the puzzle for the first time was no longer… it all came together.
For the first time in my life, recently, the great mystery of that missing piece in life, was actually
gone. The longing, the wondering, the unknown of that missing piece was finally unveiled. It
is not like I have unravelled life's great mystery, just mine. It seemed that through out my life
there has always been a question that has surrounded my heart, there was always something
missing. I could never pin point it and I could never articulate what it was, which part of my life
it belonged to or if it was just some idealism that I was grasping after… it was untouchable but
I knew it was there.
These past few months I have been involved in some deep soul searching and through
the hard questions, the authentic moments of clarity and the unashamed truths, I was met
face to face with a harsh reality… I have never, ever been accepting of myself, ever.
I have until now, always had secret shame. I was burdened by my horrendous childhood,
that was not really even a childhood for the most part. I was shamed that I do not have
parents. I was shamed by the molestation that I was victim to by not one but three different
abusers. I felt shame because I didn't have the opportunity to complete my education to the
level that I wanted to. I felt shame because of my weight… when I was 96 lbs at 18 yrs old
and suffering with bulimia and now, being at my heaviest… shame. It was all around me. None
of what I was experiencing shame over was at all shameful. And when I ran forgot to be ashamed
about something, I would manifest something else to hold me down.
These past few months I have been learning about shame and how it poisons our potential.
My heart and spirit finally figured out what my mind always knew, and that is that there is no
shame in life's journey. Everything is what it is for a reason. It makes us who we are in all
it's glory and sorrow, it brings us to this point in our beings, where all is what it should be
and without one of those experiences, I would not be who I am, where I am today.
There is no easy ride. Not for you, not for me, not for one of us. There is however, a choice.
We get to choose to be a survivor instead of a victim. We get to choose to see the blessings
through the challenges and we are the ones who decides what is half full or half empty.
Choice is the most valuable thing we have in life, and we always have it, it is always ours.
This year I have let go of some very ill serving ideas. I have said good bye to some old
friendships that had come to an imbalanced place and I have again, brought my little circle closer.
I have taken friends off pedestals which was setting those people up for a fall, and I have
quit putting expectations on friendships. I have instead looked inwards and put expectations
on myself. I expect myself to receive, achieve and believe in everyone I love. I want what is best
for my beloveds and I want to be of service to their greater good when the time calls.
I have learned that coming to my children from a loving place isn't enough. I need to meet them
where they are, wherever they are. They need me to come to them at their level with a peaceful
heart even when they are not peaceful. They need me at peace the most when they are
restless. This small adjustment in my being has allowed for a deeper closeness than we
have ever experienced before. It has given my children a deeper trust in me, and so I
innately am a more solid place for them to land.
Being a wife to such an extraordinary man can also trigger me into feeling less than. To know
the Silver Fox is to know that he is the epitome of integrity, hilarity and athleticism. He can
is a steady eddie that never waivers and he is fair, and calm and just. He gives people
more than the benefit of the doubt and he never compromises what he believes in or stands for.
It can be difficult to be partnered with someone so beautifully imperfect. But as far as perfection
he is the closest thing I have ever found. It can be intimidating to compare myself to someone life
him, especially because I am emotional, and fiery at the best of times. The one thing that is in
my favour is that being married to such an epic individual makes me strive to be a better person.
I have finally accepted that I must not be so bad, if this lovely creature chose to marry me… that must
say something good about me, non? lol
I have accepted myself for who I am, where I am and why I am. I know that because I have
come through this journey with the experiences I have, I now have a value to those
who are not yet prepared to accept themselves. I can be of service to those who are in
transition from one emotional place to another. I can be of service to others. That is my life's
calling. I knew when I worked with children for several years that that was apart of my
life's work, but ultimately I know now, with beautiful clarity that I am exactly where
I am meant to be, doing exactly what I am meant to do. What more can a girl ask for.
I was recently asked what I would change in my life, and where before I would come
up with a few major adjustments, now I am perfectly content with exactly where I am.
There is such a brilliant freedom in feeling this way. Life is good. Life is great. Life is
a gorgeous choice that gives you the power to decide in every moment how you are.
That is my life's magic answer to the missing piece in my life… I am in control and I have
the choice in my life to be absolutely fine, better than fine. I accept myself. I accept where
my path has led me, and I have landed where I am today because of the choices that I have made.
I always reflect on the fact that no, life is not perfect. I am greeted with challenges, trials and
tribulations constantly, but they are just a challenge to myself, a challenge that will find me
staying true to my self awareness and my new found freedom. I am going to fumble towards
my ecstasy and I am going to fall and face plant into the ground from time to time, I get it,
I am only human, but the difference now is that I am a softer place to land. In those moments
where I forget to greet myself with compassion, I know my best friend, my Silver Fox, will
catch me, on my way down, dust me off and remind me that we are in this together
and that tomorrow is a new day and we can greet it together, a team, our love,
stronger than ever.
For all of the above reasons, I am not going to celebrate being 40 on August 21st, rather,
I am going to celebrate having been 39. She was a year full of beautiful gifts that have
left me a better version of myself and I am forever grateful. Maybe next August I will
give thanks for 40… in the meantime, I am honoured to have been 39 and I highly
recommend it to anyone.
love & light,