Anyone who really knows me, knows that 'wellness' to me, means more than just physical wellness.
Mind, body and spirit wellness are equally, if not more important than just the wellness of our vessel.
Today is "Let's Talk Day." It means let's talk about the unmentionable, awkward, uncomfortable subject
that as a society we have for generations not discussed. Depression. There, I said it. ;)
To know me is to know I am loud and I am proud. I have a reputation of living my life out in the open.
I have championed many causes that are not even my own. It should be expected that today of all days
that I would rally and own the fact that my family, like many others knows a thing a two about depression/
bipolar disease.
Unlike many Canadians, I am not affected by the harsh stigma that comes with the topic of Mental Illness.
I have my own personal experience with this and I am here to tell you that it would be easier to have
a permanently broken arm rather than having a mental illness. At least with a broken arm you have a visible
cast that garners understanding, compassion and acceptance of the medical condition that needs medical attention.
Depression is so invisible that it is not greeted by the same, much needed love.
Mental Illness has been seen as a weakness, a flaw, a damaged and unreliable mind, which is as far
off as could be. Mental illness, in the case of Bipolar disease is in fact genetic and represented
in Chromosome 22. With the proper medication this disease can go without any significance in ones life.
Gone untreated is a very different and destructive story. It can lead to behaviours that alienate life
long friends, poor decision making which can often lead to suicidal tendencies. #harsh.
There are telltale signs of mental illness and all you have to do is google depression or bipolar
to read for yourself the ways that you can spot an ailing friend. A few obvious ones are that they
seem to fall off the face of the earth. They stop calling, calling you back, showing up when they
said they would. When they do surface their behaviour is erratic and nonsensical compared to what
their 'normal' would be. Those are just a few of the initial signs that you would notice. My personal
recommendation would be to show up on their doorstep and get inside their 'cocoon'. From there
you have a chance to 'reach them'. Otherwise you will notice that there is very little opportunity
to actually engage them. Just a few thoughts for you on this day when we need to break the silence
and find those friends that may be suffering in silence.
I can speak to depression and bipolar with some authority and I would like to mention that
along with being a little crazy (I speak that with the utmost respect and humour)comes a
a little bit of brilliance also. Among a few of my favorite bipolar peeps, you will find are
none other than Oprah, Bill Clinton, Sarah Mclachlan, Andy Warhol, Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe,
Catherine Zeta-Jones,Charlie Sheen, Lindsey Lohan, Bono, Ben Stiller, Britney Spears, Vincent Van Gogh,
Ernest Hemingway, Kurt Cobain, Robert Munsch, Amy Winehouse, Jane Pauly, Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie,
Dan Brown,Sting, John F.Kennedy, JFK Jr, Jacqueline F. name a few.
You see, a few brilliant people all dealing with the highs and lows of mental illness.
The disease has no preference, it can hit any of us. Anytime.
My hope is that this blog entry inspires you to talk about depression with those you
live with, love and work with and those you haven't heard from in a while.
Love & Light,
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