
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer, Is That Really You?

While everyone was complaining about the lack of sun, I was right there
with them. Normally I am the one who reminds everyone that we live
in a rainforest. To think that our summer has been shortened only gives
me hope that our fall will be long and hot.
Just incase you have not heard, it will be an El Nina winter. Lots of snow early and long snowy ski days that will do the spirit good. That fact gives me hope and keeps me excited despite the recent rainy days.
Although many of our summer plans have not come to fruition, many of them have and the summer in our homestead has been awesome. I have been practicing new boundries in all aspects of my life and that has allowed for an incredible string of adventures.
We have been kite boarding in Nitinaht.Camping in the grand U.S. of A, and have spent nice lazy days by the lake. Our family time has been awesome. In order to keep the balance I have had to say no to the invitation we received to The Emmy Awards. (Brad & George will have to wait for another year for me) We are honoured by the invite but delighted to decline the pressures and time away from my family that these honours bring. It isn't all glitz and glam, it is hard work and hard time. Maroon 5 once sang...
"it's not rainbows & butterflies, it's comprimise." That is the real picture.
A few weeks until the school year starts and my lovelies are back on someone elses schedule. I appreciate these freedoms of loving my kids on their time rather than the school systems. That said, I welcome the routine and the promise of rituals that we enter knowingly.
Ahhh, summer. You have been a fickle bird this year... figure it out for next year Yo!
Love & Light,

The Law Of Attraction:

If there is one thing I know for sure, it is that when you let go and relax, amazing things can happen. Over the past several summer weeks I have been away from home quite a bit. There have been several of my friends that I have been wanting to connect with and despite great efforts it has just not happened.
Yesterday I was meant to head up to the Coast for a little R & R on an early ferry but decided that the kids would enjoy some tennis at the Odlem Brown Tennis Tournament. After they played we headed down for a snack and who was there but two of my dear friends that I had been texting for 2 days trying to make time to see one another. As soon as I surrendered to the fact that it would have to wait yet another week I was gifted with the opportunity to hug them both!
One of my friends has spent her summer on her boat with her family. When she is home I am away and vice versa. Today I had to drive down to the local store on the wharf to get some juice and who do I hear greeting me across the store was the other dear friend that should have been way up Desolation Sound by this point, but there she was... arms open and another hug to get us until we can have a girls date on her boat on Bowen. Dreamy.
Recently a few months back, my dear friend Carmen put me onto a website that is called Abraham Hicks. I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking for a postive message that relates to your daily life, then this is something you may want to search on Youtube.
I have turned a few friends on to the site and I have watched their lives shift. Not always a massive dramatic shift, but a fluid continual renewal in their life's purpose realized. I myself have undergone a life changing shift which has allowed me to really look inside and 'refind' myself. My road was more dramatic, but fascinating and challenging in a way that has brought me to a place of authenticity that I didn't even know of.
The law of attraction is a powerful tool. The Dalali Lama says "If you want to know what your future holds, look at what your mind is doing right now." If you can think it, you can be it. If you can imagine having it, you can have it. You need to feel what it is like to have what you want. The universe is ready to provide what you are prepared to endure. The good and the bad.
If you ever take my word for something, take it on this one... Abraham Hicks is a game changer.
Love & Light,

" When Someone Shows You Who They Really Are, Believe Them." - Maya Angelou

I use this quote often. I have a few people have asked me what it means.
Well, when I went to see Dr. Angelou speak, she explained the quote as meaning
that when you have known someone for years and years, decades or just days, regardless, when the shiny situations fade and the rust begins to show and someone has the chance to react to something gracefully or react with jealousy or ill intention, believe that is who they are. People are only good as the worst that they treat you personally.
She also goes on to say that when you have rough patch in your life which we all go through or you face a crisis, you are meant to notice who shows up and who doesn't.
Life is full of opportunities to show people who you really are. We are all human, we all make mistakes and miss opportunities, but who is routinely, constantly missing the boat. Are you always missing the boat for certain people, then this means that you are not truly keeping their best interests in your heart.
Maya Angelou is such an eloquent speaker. Her words are gospel to me and her delivery is like poetry in motion. My favorite work of hers is "Phenomenal Woman." I encourage you all to google that!
Love & Light,